
Zaraxo · @Zaraxo9

19th Dec 2020 from TwitLonger

My experience with Low Expectations GM/Raid leader Mitch a.k.a. Keanureeves8060

You’re probably wondering why you are seeing a Twitlonger on posts affiliated with Scripe, the raid leader of Echo on Tarren Mill, and Echo as a guild/brand. First and foremost, I wish no ill intent towards Echo, or Scripe for that matter. However, Scripe has openly affiliated himself with the subject matter of this post, and what I am looking for is public disownment from Scripe personally, the guild, and the brand itself.

The subject matter of this post is Low Expectations, a guild and aspiring brand on Twisting Nether EU, more specifically (and the reason that I’m tagging Scripe in this), is the guild master/brand “CEO” Mitch a.k.a. Keanureeves8060 on Twitch, a mod in Scripe’s Twitch channel.

Low Expectations is currently progressing (if you can even call it that) Hungering Destroyer. They raid for 14 hours a day, and have had over 200 pulls on this boss that most guilds have killed in less than 30. I am currently a member of the Low Expectations raid team, and the only reason I haven’t left the guild at this point is because I want to see the fallout from this post - I am a man who very much wants to watch the world burn in this scenario, for very justified reasons. Mitch, to put it lightly, has had his male reproductive organ so far up Scripe’s rectum since The Eternal Palace that he has taken up permanent residence there. To be less crude, Mitch has been using Scripe as a crutch with help running the guild since this time, basing a lot of his actions as GM and Raid Leader from conversations with Scripe. Notwithstanding the fact that he daily uses his relationship with Scripe as a brag, unknowingly portraying himself as a groupie and/or fangirl. At this point, from the amount of things that have “come down the line from Scripe”, Scripe is essentially running 2 guilds and I’m baffled as to how the man is managing it. As you may have derived, this is sarcasm, and whilst I’m sure a couple of pieces of advice have come from Scripe, and I know for a fact that they talk on a regular basis, Mitch uses his relationship with Scripe to leverage the guild and guild members to do certain things and obey certain orders, it’s like his last resort. We daily hear things such as “Well, this came directly from Scripe, so I don’t know why you’re questioning it - you know literally nothing, you’re all shit, just follow what I say and we’ll get top 20.” As you may have also guessed, the man is delusional.

During mid-Ny’alotha, the guild was boosting Mythic Ny’alotha twice a week, and we were approached by Mitch asking if we wanted to day raid the first tier of Castle Nathria. I believe the way he put it to us was “Well at this point, we either day raid Nathria and become a top 50 guild, or I’m gonna leave and raid top 10 myself.” (awesome leadership btw). At this point, he’d slowly started to introduce his relationship with Scripe into regular conversation, portraying them as besties, and to our bewilderment, there was some proof in the pudding because (somehow) Mitch had managed to convince Scripe to come and do a Q and A with our guild and discuss day raiding and what we could expect from it as a raid team. Here is a clip of this meeting: .

As we approached Shadowlands release, Mitch repeatedly shared screenshots of DMs between himself and Scripe, sharing tactics that Echo were allegedly using and he also took part in the recent “Scripe’s Raid School” streams, here is a YouTube video of the stream from Scripe’s own personal YouTube channel: .

Finally, we were set to do a raids with Echo during the first day of Heroic on our 4th characters, clearing up to the final 2 bosses so that both Echo and us could use the lockout for the last 2 bosses to start the Heroic raids on our other characters with, as the loot from the last 2 bosses is higher ilvl, meaning that we could potentially trade loot from earlier bosses to assist with gearing.

Now that I’ve proved affiliation and most likely a breach of friendship (most definitely using that friendship to leverage a guild of raiders), it’s time to get into why this post has been written in the first place. A TL;DR would be that Mitch is a narcissistic, toxic man-child that repeatedly uses slurs to put down his raiders, whilst running a sweatshop that has his team raiding 14 hours a day with little to no breaks - but it’s so much more than that.

Mitch’s aspirations for the guild were top 20, and he wanted to achieve this by making his raiders play more than any other guild in World of Warcraft, hoping that this detail would go under the radar when he achieved that eventual world rank. For those who are unaware, Day raiding exists, some guilds do this for a day or two once the tier releases for some early momentum or to ride the hype train of some new content to get their teeth stuck in to, whilst others who raid at the top end take 1-2 weeks+ out of their personal lives to do this in order to achieve a prestigious world rank. The difference here, is that these guilds have raiders that have played and raided at this level for multiple tiers, and they have a capable leadership team - they are not a world rank 238 guild with a GM that wants to get a shiny world rank to further his personal WoW “career”, stopping at nothing to get there.

So, I’ve set the scene, now it’s time to get into the details. Mitch had us maintain 3 (some 4) characters for progression. A main, and 2 alts that were treated like mains in terms of callings, Mythic 0s, The Maw, and Torghast. He monitored us daily, and he picked people out on very fine details, ensuring that if they were not sleeping, they were playing - to the point of DM’ing people to ask what they are doing, and shouting at people because he had to run 48 M0’s in the first week because he didn’t plan for enough tanks to do our runs. The best way I can describe his demeanour, is that dickheaded boss that hyperanalyses you and has unreasonable and unrealistic expectations of you, and then makes you feel like shit for not achieving these (according to him) very achievable goals. Add to that a narcissistic and almost psychopathic personality type, and you’ll have a good idea as to what we’ve had to deal with.

Potentially the most disgusting thing to come out of all of this, is that during Heroic week, a raider of ours lost a family member and had to miss a night of raiding, and was kicked from the guild for this. I am not over-exaggerating, this genuinely happened. It’s only now, after speaking to this ex-guild member, that this information has come out, otherwise I’d have left on the spot rather than go to the trouble of publicly disemboweling this awful example of a human being.

A lot of us noticed that we were undergeared for much of Heroic week, and Mitch repeatedly ignored this fact, and wasted the entire week making us clear Heroic. We eventually cleared on 2 characters, and got 7/10 on our 3rd alts, however this came at the cost of raiding from 10am until 11pm every day with no more than a 1.5 hour break (sometimes less, we had a schedule, which would already be highly illegal if this was formal employment, but we rarely stuck to it), I remember one specific moment where someone’s girlfriend had brought them some food close to the scheduled dinner time, but because we were doing poorly, we weren’t going to break for dinner until our maniacal leader decided we would, and so his response was something along the lines of “Unlucky.”.

To put it in to perspective, we would wake up at 9am server time, be expected to do daily Maw farm and a Mythic+ on our characters, and then raid from 10am until 11pm with little breaks, and then be expected to finish off anything we’d missed out, and then sleep. It was legitimately like working in a sweatshop. Also, if you are on the bench, you have to be at your PC, and if you don’t respond to him within a few seconds, as if you’re there in teamspeak and in progression, you were targeted with abuse for not being a team player. The most picturesque moment was when he’d told us that if we weren’t in the raid we should be helping find tactics and plan for future bosses to save him time and effort, even though this stuff should really be planned or done by officers (we had tactics planned for each boss but he was speaking about looking at other guild’s tactics and refining), also that we should be doing Mythic+ to help the team by improving our ilvl - and when he demanded that one of the raiders that was currently on the bench had to step in to raid and was told he was doing a key, he memed him in front of the raiders for doing this even though it was exactly what he’d asked of us.

The next point I’d like to make, is that Mitch is a very toxic individual. We knew he was toxic from raiding with him in the past, but nothing like this. This was Business levels of toxic. For those 14 hours, if things went wrong, Mitch would repeatedly call us all braindead r*tards, fucking animals, dogshit players, he targeted some people and called them nonces (comparing them to a certain individual within the raiding scene that we will not speak of) all whilst saying he had watched a Jimmy Saville documentary before bed one night (I can only guess that this was his attempt at banter?), and he would repeatedly threaten people with the bench and made it seem like this was a negative thing. To put it lightly, this is one severely messed up dude. He’s a chef in real life, from Britain - I’m not British myself, but I can’t imagine this is typical of a British chef. Although I have seen how Gordon Ramsay acts for his shows, and whilst anecdotal, I can honestly say that it is very similar, the only difference is that Gordon Ramsay actually knows what he’s talking about I guess.

After around 160 pulls on Hungering Destroyer, and a lot of toxic, slur infused rage. Mitch told us that after looking at other guilds, we were on average 7 item levels under geared and that we would now spend the day farming Mythic+ in order to get our average ilvl up. He said this in a jokey, apologetic manner as he’d realised he was wrong for making us beat a dead horse during Heroic week and making no time for farming Mythic+ or upgrading our legendaries through Torghast during the start of the Mythic raiding week.

Mitch also has 3 permanently banned WoW accounts for RMT. He has sold guild boosting gold that was intended for Shadowlands over the course of Nya’lotha to help him with some extra cash IRL (this has been confirmed by multiple sources). He also used guild gold to buy his girlfriend (who is an officer) a longboi, whilst keeping it under the radar.

Mitch doesn’t really play his characters as he coaches from outside of the raid like Limit and Echo do (yes, the meme gets even better). But the characters on his 4th account are:


As you may have guessed, he’s also a Keanu Reeves fangirl, which is hilarious considering how good of a man Keanu Reeves is, and how he acts and presents himself morally. Mitch clearly has not taken any life lessons from this man.

So, that’s everything, please do not direct any hate towards the guild members, most of them are very good people, and decent players for raiders that have come from a world 238 guild, with lots of potential. My aim with this post is honestly to call Mitch out publicly, and help to deter any brands and orgs (or in this case, people of interest within WoW), from working with this man and his aspiring brand. This behaviour should not be encouraged, and I am urging Scripe and Echo to hold him accountable, and stop him from leveraging his relationship with this very prominent WoW player in order to run his toxic sweatshop.

I know there are a lot of others within the high-end WoW community who have come in to contact with Mitch and have their own negative experiences of him. Feel free to give supporting statements to attest to his despicable behaviour, open forum this shit.

Here are a few clips from progression, you can find plenty of VODs from the streamers within Low Expectations. The stream team is I'd just urge you not to harass the streamers, as they are nice guys and gals, this is purely to display Mitch's behaviour. I'm sure he'll ask them to remove their VODs, this is why I've uploaded some things to YouTube where he won't be able to touch it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I urge anyone affiliated with him or the guild Low Expectations to cease working with him.

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