
Cow · @Ykikamucoww

14th Dec 2020 from TwitLonger

Important for us to band together (PGI's)

Firstly this post is going to be filled with my opinions and views and has nothing to do with FURY or my teammates!

I have seen people trying to put together the pieces and create arguments around why we weren't invited to PGI's and want to try and put rumours to bed so everyone is on the same page! It happens to be that a lot of OCEANIC org, players and fans are rallying behind us and many see this as just a biased approach, however I believe its just because we communicate with each other through many different forums and they have heard our perspective a bit more clearly than the rest of the world!
Just want to share the facts that WE and everyone know, to ensure that we the players and teams that participate in this awesome Esport, so that this problem never occurs again. This post is in its purest form to educate on the situation that has taken place, remove rumour and speculation.

We have run out of time and it has been made clear to us that we will certainly not have any special circumstances change so that we may attend the event. I believe the team and myself have made peace with that fact and are trying to move forward! We will be staying together but more on that later!

As seen by PUBG Esport statement regarding the exclusion of OCE teams in PGI's the reasoning given behind our exclusion was due to this direct quote "At that time, our agencies advised us that in accordance with certain guidelines, teams from Australia would be unable to attend due to travel bans."

There has never been a travel ban imposed on Australia during the pandemic crisis, only restrictions put in place to ensure there was a reduced chance of a outbreak. Restrictions and bans are two very different things. PUBG esports statement therefore is false and misleading definitely implying that there was no means of us being able to travel internationally. On the 9th of September 2020 the OCEANIC organisation Legacy Esports consisting of at least 4 OCE residents had landed in China to begin their group stage run for Legaue of Legends Worlds 2020. According to our sources this was prior to invites being sent out to the 32 teams and most certainly prior to the team knowing that they would be heading to China! Validating the fact that for OCE Esport teams it was viable to leave the country if they met certain criteria! We have also confirmed the same criteria that is needed now was the same previously. To find the criteria it would only require a very very simple google search which if you are unsure you can check yourself and see how easy it is! Through multiple sources we have found out that getting the exemption is extremely easy as an Esport player in Australia taking less than a week to receive confirmation

If PUBG had said you are not invited due to underperforming, because you do not provide enough viewership or content to warrant an invite that is fine! However there one and only public reason is because of a travel ban which as proven is incorrect.

I urge for all players, talent and fans to remember to stick together and support each other when the PUBG overlords kick teams teeth in. It could happen to any region and any team and its important that we support each other when the facts present themselves to avoid this from happening again. Covid-19 will not magically disappear overnight so the very real possibility of this happening in the future could be there. We need to hold PUBG to creating fair standards and hold them to accepting and fixing their mistakes as best they can.

I hope all teams, talent and fans can see that we have been pushed out of expanding upon our careers, earning income so we can continue to pursue our dreams and enjoying what would have been an amazing experience in Korea for almost 2 months and spending time with our colleagues whilst over there who share our same passion. I hope that everyone can see this as evidence to support against similar actions and support my beloved region in trying to acquire a PUBG sponsored tournament as compensation for not only my hard working team but for the region who will have no representation over on Korea in February. Something for them to get behind in the interim and provide myself and my team with a means to earn income after PUBG's mistake!

If this has helped put the situation in a clearer light please share this around if you can as we have asked for compensation in the form of a tournament and received no response as a result as of yet. If you do not believe PUBG has done wrong and lied or been lied to resulting in the mistake of my team not receiving a rightful invite then please dm or comment the reasons or questions and i'll answer them as best as I can!

I don't want this to happen to anyone else, I don't want to see FaZe, Buriram united or Talent missing out on income, experiences and expansion of their careers because PUBG did not do their due diligence. I don't want my teammates going without work or OCE fans having noone to cheer for the next 4 months. PUBG sponsored OCE league/tournament is the least that can be done!

Please support each other, I hope you can all see that there is no other side to the story, PUBG were lied to and created a statement that was false, please compensate so we can move on.

Love cow xx

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