LFT 2021

The next 4 months of PUBG are looking quite dull unless you are a PGI-S invitee, but I am still eager to play, or be a part of the game in some shape or form.

I am open to playing in any region. I am open to relocating.

I would like to either join a team as a player or coach, or build a team and qualify for events in whatever region.

I have years of experience, working with coaches from different regions and even living abroad.

It was an awesome 2 years with Battle Arena and I learnt a lot about esports as a whole, from the players side, coaches side and even the psychological side. I got to live the dream, and I am so grateful, but I don’t think the dream is over, yet.

My PUBG resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RgHy25Dil1eSx-iuSXl-McfwzWXpY5WOML7kWkMTXn4/edit (not updated, will get to it over the next few days)

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