The "not entirely positive post" I mentioned a few days ago. Very long.

Alright I'm gonna make a post I've been meaning to post the last few days. It may be pretty long.

A few days ago someone very kindly showed me a few edits/"fanarts"
and I even got to thank the person who made a very long edit of me over the Gurren Lagann final fight!
I was then told that the person who showed me the edits originally found them on 4-chan!

I want to first say that I am very happy the
4-chan community for vtubers, and more specifically for this post Hololive, exists.
It is a sign of just how many people our beloved hobby and idols have reached that there are so many communities dedicated to them. I would also like to say I AM NOT someone who disavows 4-chan and anyone who uses 4-chan. The 4-chan community is valued for giving an experience and style to engage with the subject of vtubers/Hololive that is unique. While it may not be for everyone I am quite happy it is there for those who enjoy it. I would also say that if you plan to engage in it I'd personally ask you to follow their rules/way of doing things as I'd ask any 4-chan community members to do the same for other communities.

I would now like to once again thank the users who made those edits of me! I'd also like to thank the many positive comments about me that I saw in the brief look through I did.
I'd even say I appreciate the few negative posts about me that I saw. I never thought enough people would know of me to actually have an opinion one way or the other.

That being said I would like to move on to say something that may not be entirely positive.
I am not someone with any authority, moral or community, to reprimand certain behaviors as completely bad. That extends even farther to doing so with people.
So I will not be doing that.
Instead I will be giving some advice and airing some grievances.
I would like the vtuber/Hololive community to be an overall positive and supportive space for the vtubers/members and for the community members. Many of whom have very few sources of happiness beside vtubers/Hololive.
4-chan community members have their own way of being supportive/engaging in the community. With that being said there are some behaviors I do personally have some problems with.
[NOTE] I do believe many if not most of the people who do engage in 2/3 behaviors do so ironically as a way to either mock those who do so unironically or just because they have the freedom to say whatever they want so they say whatever comes to mind or vent whatever negative thoughts they may have/had but had not wanted to put elsewhere and wouldn't normally do so in places that are more visible to the vtubers/members or the general community.]

There are many I've seen in my brief look that do hate on and nonconstructively criticize members. Worst of all to me however is the doxxing and focus on narratives.

Firstly the doxxing.
I did not see any doxx while I was there, but I do see many talk about them and info that would be from them. I genuinely do not understand why anyone who would consider themselves a fan, someone who loves and genuinely cares about these girls would try to expose real life info. Anyone who doxxes a member is someone, to me, that should be completely kicked out of the community and not engaged with. To those discussing supposed doxx or spreading info from possible doxx I ask and suggest that you stop doing so. This just gives these people more attention and reason to either dig more or more than likely lie more. I'd especially ask that you heavily scrutinize any supposed info, and not spread it further even if it'd make great meme material, fits your headcanon, or fits your fetish (have to be honest with my wording and phrasing here sorry for sudden crudeness.)

As for the hate and unconstructive criticism.
It is something I definitely feel is far less serious than the doxxing, and is done for memes a lot of the time. The meme aspect is just part of 4-chan's culture and while I may not want to engage in that aspect it'd be ridiculous for me to suggest stopping it.
As for the serious hate and unconstructive criticism, I once again do not understand why someone who would consider themselves a fan of Hololive would want to hurt or feel so strongly against one of their fellow members/friends. I enjoy the idol aspect of Hololive. Where you give your support for the group and watch them grow. Their success is your success and you want each member to share in it. They are all valued members of the family. At least that is how I look at Hololive. There are obviously some members I enjoy watching much more than others. There are some members who have character traits that I personally do not like. I still support each of them. Hololive is not a competition. Any positive feelings/outcome for one member does not take away from another member. It adds to the group. It's everyone's success. If you genuinely really do not like a certain member that is fine. Say so if you want to on platforms they won't see. That doesn't mean you have to actually hate them and be rude. Just like in real life there are going to be people online that you can't stand. Think of it like this. If I can't stand them shouldn't I not think of them? Getting angry at them just keeps them in my mind longer which just gets me angrier. So why not just accept that you don't particularly like that person/member and throw yourself into supporting the ones you do?

Lastly the narratives.
This one is not as bad of an issue as the doxxing And many do it for memes but it s something that honestly does frustrate me. I see SO many of the most random things, some of them even the most mundane and unimportant stuff spouted as truth. Some of these are even repeated as if they're commonly held truth. Whether they came from a doxx, a headcanon that everyone just accepted, or just a meme I'm not sure. It's most likely a combination of all three however. I plainly just don't understand, besides for memes, why you'd continuously spout "X does this" "X has this" "X is secretly this" "X and Y hate each other" And then get mad when people challenge your narrative, sometimes with their own. Just because you thought of something and you're "so unbelievably sure it's obvious" doesn't make it any more real or less ridiculous. The main problem I have with this is that if an outsider sees negativity they can just shrug it off, they've seen that everywhere. If an outsider sees a narrative, even the most ridiculous they could easily believe it. That has now affected that person's perception of Hololive and they could easily pass it to more and more people. That is how drama and misconceptions happen. I'm not really mad at this behavior but it just seems incredibly unnecessary and annoying for even those actively engaging on whatever thread this is going on in. It also sometimes just seems pretty petty and childish. I don't have much else to say and suggest for this. Mostly just wanted to say my piece in regards to this topic.

Also before I rap it up I would like to clarify that i'm pretty sure my only exposure to the Hololive community on 4-chan has come from /hlg/ Hololive global on /jp/ I see there is just a Hololive there too that isn't Hololive global and I see posts in threads referencing /hlgg/ I'm genuinely unsure on how 4-chan is set up/how to navigate it so I just wanted that to be known. As always I hope you are all doing well and have a great day!

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