
Derek Deianov · @Lorgokz

16th Sep 2020 from TwitLonger

Apology for my words during today's stream.

I am very sorry for what I said on stream and for offending anyone, won't talk about these things again without being properly informed, I have made a clear mistake and need to own up for it.
And while I still think that men are genetically more predisposed phsyical sports athletes(reason why they are in separate categories), mentioning the "mental" part(like gaming, which was the context with Nagura), was just straight up ignorance and I take full responsability for it.

In that moment, my initial thought was that since historically sports athletes do better than women(again, simply because of genetics), then someone with nagura's talent, could be an even better player in an online game too, where men are NOT genetically better.
I do respect women very much, and I take topics such as sexism, racism, homophobia and more VERY serious. And seeing that I was involved in making such a stupid comment, I have nothing more to say than apologize.

I am aware a TwitLonger is not enough, especially after trying to defend it, and nothing can justify the ignorance of my words in that topic. I will make sure to be a better person from now on and whenever the opportunity will rise, to emphasize on the importance of these topics.


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