
Deck · @Deck20750488

21st Aug 2020 from TwitLonger


Hey I know this already seems like a no to you but i want to talk to you personally where i can
actually tell yo how sorry i truly am after the ban i saw how much of a jerk i was to you and how i
was wrong in every way Jesse i was probably always on your last nerves and it truly made me
think of how and why I messed with you I really want to prove my self to you and show you I can be a normal guy when it comes down to it. I know i may have been probably the most weird and annoying guy you played with but I am not like that but i singled you out for no reason and i truly and i actually mean this I am sorry for everything Jesse please I am asking you to forgive me and to consider letting me back to the game I've seen what vie done and i want a chance to try again.

I only got to see you at karoke night and when we played among us it wasn't a lot but i think you saw how i treated your normally and i hope that if you give me your approval we can actually become friends and play TTT thank you for your time jesse it means a lot .

-Chubby lucky

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