
Ethan (bumboy) · @EthannFN

16th Aug 2020 from TwitLonger

Im sorry,

So many thoughts are racing through my head right now because I genuinely don't know what to say other than I fucked up.This may seem rushed but I could not live with myself knowing that I haven't addressed this yet. The words that came from my mouth are disgusting and should never be said ever by anyone. There is no excuse for the things I have said but I cant change the past so I want to use this experience to grow and become a better human. I am not asking for forgiveness because I know that is not what I deserve. What I did today did not only disappoint the people that follow me but I also let down my family. After today I've had a conversation with my parents and throughout the duration of the talk my mother could barely look at me. As a son I have failed to be what my parents have shaped me to be, and as a player I have failed to be a decent human being. I will be taking a break from twitter and all socials for a while to work on myself and reflect on and try and move on from what was done. Thank you for reading

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