
TF Blade · @tfblade

16th Jul 2020 from TwitLonger


I'll come clean, I can be toxic in-game when I'm angry but isn't that normal? I mean doesn't everyone fuck up when they are angry? The majority of the things we do in our anger we don't really mean and we show that by moving on from them immediately, but spending every day hating on them for what they do in their anger and how many ways they mess up is just going to put both you and them in a negative mindset. I know I am flawed but isn't everyone? This is not meant to be a cry for help but rather an eye-opener. We almost always respond to hate with hate and It has been a part of our human nature but never once has this method been correct. I think it is very difficult to control yourself when you are angry but it gets better over time, and I have mentioned many times that this is where I need to work on. On a side note to the other side, when someone is angry and being toxic to you in-game for messing up, I believe you are still in control of how you let this have an impact on you. Will you let it go for they were simply just angry at the moment, or will you judge and hate on them for being flawed when everybody is. My advice? forgive and move on for everyone's sake.

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