
Choops · @ChoopiChoosi

10th Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

Monica's Allegations

First off, I want to apologize for my initial snarky 5am reaction to the allegations from the person referring to themself as Monica. To me, this is as transparent as hit-jobs come, to the point of it being a boarderline caricature of actual survivor stories.

While my tone was inappropriate and flippant, this is not funny. This is a serious allegation, and serious allegations should be taken *seriously*. I realize that not everybody has the same perspective or background when these types of stories are presented. So again, I want to both apologize and to thank those who held me to a higher standard.

I’m not really sure how to go about “disproving” something that never happened with zero concrete evidence supporting it, but here goes:

To my knowledge, and the mountain of documentation from Anime North, There was no Tana cosplayer present during the few hours I was attending the convention.

There was zero time during this convention (except for going to gendered bathrooms) where I was alone to perform such an action.

The accuser claims to have been inspired to play FE4 from my content; but, at the time of the proposed incident, I had never uploaded FE4 content to my main channel until after the convention. I specifically remember being very proud of previewing the intro to my first FE4 video I was working on to my friends at the hotel.

This person does not provide any specific information of when- or where this happened. There is no “corner” of the convention where you could be away from public view. The two places where the FE fandom met were at the 100+ seat panel room and outside in a field.

Anyone who has ever DM’d me or seen a screenshot of my DM’s knows I do not talk like I do in this person’s “evidence.” I detest the word “yikes” as I feel it’s so overused to condemn people without actually stating your own opinion or contributing to the discussion in any meaningful way. This is also an awful crop job:

My avatar should be next to the most recent message. Go to your own DM’s and see for yourself. This is how Twitter has been coded for years.

The perfectly rectangular artifacting and discoloration around the dates is a product of cutting and pasting low resolution images on top of each other.

I’m sorry if you feel manipulated right now. Especially those who genuinely want to stand for the compelling stance of “Believe All Victims.” I want to stand for that too. I have set out to do this in the past several days. However, “Believe All Victims” doesn’t literally mean believing anything anyone says as long it’s preceded with a victim story. It means creating an environment for actual victims to feel safe in coming forward in the public sphere. To reassure them that they won’t be met with threats, slander, and extortion for doing so. I am honestly disappointed at those who are twisting this message through reductionist logic, calling those who stand up for accountability, “hypocritical.”

Unfortunately, I’m not surprised that both survivors and myself are being targeted for speaking up and doing the right thing by holding people with large followings accountable for their actions.

I understand that these allegations are serious, and I recognize that I need to address them. I appreciate that others are holding me accountable on behalf of these claims, and I will hold myself accountable with complete transparency in upcoming statements.

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