
Mangs · @Mangs1337

9th Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

Owning Up. The End.


I can’t make any more excuses. Over the years of my presence of being on YouTube, I’ve hurt many people. My behavior towards many women, both those I worked with and those I haven’t, was inappropriate. If I considered them to be appropriate at the time does not change the reality of what I’ve said and the hurt I’ve caused them. Reading back through some of the older conversations posted, I can’t believe myself some of the things I’ve said and how I’ve behaved. While I may have improved from the person I was then, it clearly wasn’t nearly enough. I still hurt people. I still acted like an idiot. This has been a pattern of destructive and negligent behavior. This is a problem and it can’t continue.

I want to get better. I really do. And through the advice of those close to me, I’ve realized that this isn’t something I’m equipped to do alone. I’m getting help for this. My relationship with women and my relationship with alcohol both need to change. I’ve been referred to therapists for both.

For those who enjoyed my content, I’m sorry. It probably ends here. For some, I realize my videos may be forever tainted by what you’ve learned, but over the years I’ve heard so many stories of those videos helping people through tough times in their lives. I’m leaving them up in the hopes that they may manage to bring a laugh to at least one person going through a rough spot.

The Ft. Mangs Discord Server will be transferred over to one of the Admins. I don’t know what they’ll choose to do with it, but I’ll be leaving the server right after handing it over.

My Twitter will remain up for the next 48 hours or so to give people time to read this statement. After that I’m deleting it for good.

Please don’t attack the people I’ve worked with, they have nothing to do with what I’ve done and don’t deserve to be gone after for my mistakes. And don’t go after the people who brought my behavior to light and shared their stories.

All I wanted to do was to play Fire Emblem and make people laugh.

Learn from me. Make the Fire Emblem community a better place. Do it in my place.


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