
Pr0phie · @pr0phie

7th Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

Retiring from PUBG

Where to begin.. well i'd like to start this tweet in properly saying that i'll be no longer competing in PUBG. I have been in the PUBG scene since the beginning from their first official LAN event and im happy to say that i've met a lot of different people and made some good memories.

I originally wanted to retire right off the bat after PGC ended because that was a good tournament for me to end on, but @hwinn convinced me to stick a little longer and knowing that nerf and kaymind will be leaving as well i understand why it would be harder so i decided to stay and help him rebuild the roster.

As for the roster, @tgltnPUBG will be taking my spot and i believe that there is no one else better to fit the last slot on the roster and i wouldnt want it to be anyone else. As for Soniqs @thetribizzle is the most understanding person i have worked for and i talked to him prior to signing with Soniqs that i most likely wont be able to finish my contract as i will be retiring pretty soon and moving on from PUBG and he said he completely understands and supported my decision. I will be mutually parting ways with Soniqs as well its definitely a great ORG and im happy to have been signed to be them even for just a few months.

I will be focusing more of my time in to streaming and having a clear cut schedule for my stream. As for the game im playing i will most likely be playing VALORANT most of the time and grinding the game as hard as i did PUBG a long time ago. I'll be looking for a team there when the opportunity arrives but i am not too worried about it because im just starting and im still focusing on my own gameplay.

Thanks to everyone @PUBG, @PUBGEsports and everyone i was in a team with and met. Also thank you to @GhostGaming @Cloud9 @SoniqsEsports for the opportunities. special shout out to @mehmood for being 1 of my closest friend in the game.

Heres a special vid that @kay9live made for me because he is awesome

As usual ill be streaming daily on feel free to stop by <3

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