My future

Hey guys!
A lot of you have been asking lately why I'm not playing anywhere, so I will make a post about it.

So summer split supposed to be the best split for me because I chose to not join the best teams for spring split because that would mean I need to move to gaming-house and I couldn't do that because of my uni.

So the second year of my studies started and I joined PRIDE which was the best possibility for me. Playing with friends and could focus on both things competitive/uni but at the same time i didn't have much time to play soloq obviously and my skill wasn't on top of level and a lot of problems came out with the team and it was rly hard to fix them so we decided to make changes.

Mid-split with Enclave (I decided to help them out but still as you suppose it was rly hard, we end up on last place but @WiseTravellerUK or any other player in the team can tell our game drastically changed after I joined which I was really happy about and we managed to win vs top2 team in last game of split where I'm really proud of it)

Spring split was really hard and depressing for me to focus on soloq at the beginning I had d1 and didn't pay much attention to it but when I started and finished my 2nd year it directly changed to 400+-lp and not slowing down.

I think for anyone who's watched me in UKLC can say I was performing well and I'm still UK Resident, so I was really looking forward for tryouts to NCL but didn't get any. I had high goals for this split so I didn't want to join second league teams.

From last month my goal is to join the best roster possible during the season if someone will make changes(top leagues) and hold myself in high elo(approach 1k lp) for rest of season so people will recognize me more and improve as a player outside and inside of the game and stream as much as I can!

I'm in talks with mental/performance coaches from top teams to make sure I'm on right track. Trying to get back to the best shape after the incident that happened few days ago.
I appreciate the support that I received lately and I'm so blessed to have that many friends/fans in esport! Love you all! I will get back stronger!
So for any offers you know DM's always open <3

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