
Lucas Larsen · @Santorin

16th May 2020 from TwitLonger

I'm kind of surprised/shocked that I am included in this Reddit thread

I'm kind of surprised/shocked that I am included in this Reddit thread. I was really frustrated with how the game was being played out, I take solo queue very seriously and I felt like it was a major issue that our Kennen went the AD route without letting us know in champion select which suddenly meant we're full AD team comp vs Sion and 2 champions that can easily fit in Iceborn Gauntlet. I honestly didn't see a world where Kennen would ever go the AD build path and it caught me off guard knowing it was a former pro player doing it as well. I was talking about how AP Kennen would've been better but instead of getting just a quick agreement he decided to say AD Kennen is better / not a problem. I obviously agree with the fact that our team comp isn't great but he could make it playable by going AP and chose not to.

So I was really frustrated playing Graves vs 500 armor Sion and 200-300 armor carries and honestly didn't expect ever to win the game. This doesn't mean that what I did is justified whatsoever, I feel bad about how I acted and will look to act better in the future (less passive aggressiveness and just understand that sometimes people don't want to see what's right in front of them) and just kind of let them do their own thing. And for those who for some odd reason think that AD Kennen was fine in that game because he can split push vs Sion later in the game, Cassiopeia should be the one matching Kennen and in no world can Kennen splitpush vs a Frozen heart, stacked Seraph, Cassiopeia.

While I can definitely see I was acting too negative in the solo queue game, I feel like calling me toxic / saying I was harassing someone in the game is absolutely untrue. I don't recall last time sentences like '4fun' and talking about item builds has been harassing someone personally.

I love seeing the positive tweets, Reddit threads and videos about how we need to change the community into something way more positive and productive and I certainly agree. I've always tried my best to make Solo queue a better place with always tryharding but the way I came off could definitely be better and that's something I will actively work on to be a part of the solution.

Lastly, I wanted to just quickly say that I am super happy with how we performed this spring split and I hope to do even better in Summer. In my opinion there's no way NA is going to do well at worlds unless other teams can start stepping up and challenging C9 so we're working really hard at Flyquest to make sure we're gonna be good enough to compete with the best (C9) and hopefully beat them as well. My dream is to go back to worlds and prove myself as a player. Last time I was at worlds I wasn't ready and it definitely showed in my lackluster performance but I do feel ready now.

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