Yuki · @YUK1R6

14th Apr 2020 from TwitLonger

I'm leaving Rainbow Six Siege


It has been a long ride. I really love Rainbow Six Siege, but I feel like there is nothing for me to achieve. Czechia and Slovakia have no big leagues and Challenger League always slipped away by small mistakes. I spend too much time on strats and analysis, but it never paid out. Overall the game is going through hard times with cheaters, bad sounds and bad servers. I feel this is the right time to try something new.

As a player, I am not over with games. I will grind VALORANT and try my best to succeed there. The game feels insanely smooth and I have not faced any cheater yet.

Thank you, everyone, for the support, especially my teammates for respecting my decision. I might come back if anything bad happens.

Wish me luck,


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