
chocoTaco · @chocoTaco

15th Mar 2020 from TwitLonger

my thoughts on #Warzone

I wanted to sum up my thoughts on Warzone since everyone has been asking.

Warzone is fun. VERY fun. This is more important than anything else, and it's the reason the game is so successful right now.

That being said, there are some things that could make the game better. Over time, the fun factor could be diminished by issues with the game(like we have seen with PUBG). Alternatively, it can last if minor issues are addressed.


Warzone has managed to combine many successful aspects of previous BRs and improve on others. Yay!

-Gulag and respawn system is amazing. Dying can be fun.

-TTK works well for cross-platform

The way TTK works in Warzone allows for a pretty even playing field for controller vs
mouse/keyboard. It's essentially impossible to win a 2v1 if the enemies are shooting at
you. That's just the way it has to be. Instead you have to try to turn a 2v1 into 2 1v1s, or
use teamwork to make it a 2v2. The way to make 2v1s or 3v1s possible is to greatly
increase the headshot multiplier, but that creates problems. Either keyboard/mouse is too
strong like it would be in a game like PUBG, or controller is too strong due to aim assist like
in Halo on PC. The way it currently works makes for a lower skill ceiling, but I believe it's
the best way to go for cross platform play.

-Recoil/bloom works well for cross-platform.

The gunplay in Warzone feels more like bloom than recoil to me. There is a tiny amount of
vertical recoil with certain weapons, but spraying is much more like Fortnite/Apex than like
PUBG/CS. Works perfectly for cross-platform

-The gas is extremely punishing. Very happy to finally see a BR do this.

I don't know how this has taken so long, but we finally have a BR where the circle kills you
if you stay in it for a short time, AND you can outrun it. Some people have been
questioning the gas mask animation, but I'm actually for it. Dying from gas is frustrating,
and the animation makes it harder to die to someone coming in late. Further punishment
for not being in the zone.

-Loadout drops are great(could cost more).

There has been a lot of discussion about loadout drops. I think it's a great idea. They
create a much more balanced mid/end game. The classic BR hot drop is still there at the
start of the game, but you can consistently have good loot later. This turns the late game
into more of a skill-based game. A lot of people seem to think it's too repetitive, but you
have 10 loadouts with a huge amount of weapons. If it's too repetitive that's kind of on you.
Additionally I think too many people are prioritizing Overkill. I have one loadout with
Overkill for when I'm respawning solo and can land at a loadout crate. Most of my other
loadouts have a good secondary OR a good primary. There are tons of great weapons to
loot, so chances are you will have a good weapon to compliment your loadout weapon by
the time you get a loadout crate. Then you can use Ghost or one of the other, better perks.

-Buy stations/contracts are amazing.

Both of these things promote movement and decrease the number of players
sitting in bathtubs. It's also exciting because it will be very easy for the devs to remove or
add new killstreaks/equipment.

-Hearing the mic of someone you killed might be one of the best things ever.



This is one of the most talked about issues with the game. It's also one of the most talked
about issues for several BRs. Footsteps are inaudible most of the time. Part of this is
because they are simply too quiet, but it's also because there is so much other audio
happening all the time. It is a war zone after all, but holy macaroni are those killstreak
planes loud. Distant gunshots are also too loud. Additionally, I think they need to add
options to turn off sound effects(currently doesn't work in the settings menu). There are
guitar riffs when you pick up certain loot, beeping when the timer is low, sounds when
picking up contracts, and more. It all adds up fast. In the end though, just making footsteps
a lot louder would go a very, very long way. Hopefully we'll see it addressed soon.

-The armor system is good, but you can't heal enough.

I'm a big fan of the armor plate system, especially with no varying levels of armor. The only
problem is that you can't heal enough. With a full inventory of plates you can only full heal
one time. This goes against the whole idea of reducing RNG, which the game does well
everywhere else. In other BRs, you can usually full heal many times. In PUBG, for
example, you can easily full heal 6+ times with good loot. Same in Apex. Fortnite not so
much, but it's a very different game. In Warzone/PUBG/Apex you aren't going to win many
fights without taking a lot of damage. You need to be able to heal a lot more, especially
since you might not get more armor plates from your kills. Yes, you can buy more, but
there isn't always an accessible buy station. In end game situations, you are at an
EXTREME disadvantage without armor and/or plates. A 30 minute end game situation
should rely on skill as much as possible. I've had several games where I had no chace of
winning because I had no armor.

-The amount of accessible roofs can be a bummer

Many large buildings only have 1st floor and roof access with the rest of the building being
inaccessible. While I like the reasoning behind this, the way it plays out can be frustrating
for several reasons. If you down a player on a roof, they can safely revive/self revive. If you
use a killstreak, they duck inside and then return to the roof. If you push, you usually have
to funnel up a ladder, OR they can just parachute off. Being on a roof is too powerful.
There is no disadvantage since you can just jump off at any time. I've started to just run
away from these fights, but I still end up losing health/armor to players sitting on roofs. I
don't have a specific solution for this. Possibly just making the first two floors accessible for
many of these buildings could be good.

-I hope we get solos soon.

Warzone is much more about team play than it is about individual skill. It's very hard for
one person to hard carry a team. Absolutely no problem with that, but it often makes it
difficult to play with random teammates. Not only that, but people leave, don't have mics,
etc. It's going to become difficult to just hop on and play without scheduling with friends
ahead of time. I'm sure the devs are planning to add solos. I just hope it's sooner rather
than later!

There's probably a lot more to say. What a crazy week. Mostly I'm just happy to be having so much fun playing a new game.

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