
drk29 · @Drk29TTV

29th Feb 2020 from TwitLonger

OHN and sponsorships

Hey guys, I want to be straightforward with everyone about something. I have been streaming for over 10 years now and somehow managed to survive on nothing but voluntary support from our viewers through subs and donations, which is amazing. I want everyone to know just how extremely grateful I am to each and every single one of you. With OHN, we managed to build an awesome community and a following to be proud of. This has been a HUGE part of my life and I hope it will be for the foreseeable future. The channel and community that we built and the support that kept us going all these years are something I would count among my biggest accomplishments in life. However you might have noticed that we are not able to stream as much lately and that is something I definitely want to fix. In order to keep the streams coming for everyone and to enjoy on an almost daily basis, I have to treat this as a full-time job and unfortunately that's not realistically possible for me to sustain myself with anymore. I went from being a teenager living with my parents to a young adult through the time OHN happened so naturally my needs evolved and changed. Adult responsibilities, marriage, having to move to a more expensive area, etc. But don't worry! This isn't the end at all. It is just a fair heads-up to let you guys know that I've looked into sponsorships to help us keep going and sustain ourselves and our regular streams for everyone to enjoy. I partnered up with MoreYellow, a brand with awesome, helpful people who are helping me find deals with a number of different companies. Through this amazing community that we have built, we now have the numbers that might get us noticed and it is all thanks to the viewers. So in a way you are still the ones helping. Thank you again. I am sure Dogg shares all of my feelings on this. So take this as a fair warning that from now on we might see things that are a bit unusual for our channel but are going to help greatly with keeping us alive and keep more streams coming for everyone. It won't be too sudden or invasive of a change, I still have my standards, but I understand if someone might get frustrated over this. Sorry if we have disappointed you. Please understand that we are very unique channel with a very specific niche and we'd be crazy to only accept offers that fall in line only and exactly with what we do because it would severely limit our options and we'd have to turn down almost everyone who offers to work with us. I hope I'll be able to keep the streams going, so see you around guys. Thanks for watching. ohnBoss.

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