
mithR · @mithRTV

11th Feb 2020 from TwitLonger

Goodbye North!

There’s a time in life where you meet unforeseen obstacles. For the first time in my career am I facing a challenge that I have not faced before. Something that can easily take your breath away.

I have, from the fifth of february, been released from my duties in North as the organization has decided to go with another coach. I am unhappy with the decision of course since working with the team and its player has been the greatest honor of my life, despite 2019 not being a year with the best results. I have to accept the decision for what it is, and wish the organization, its staff, the board and the players the best and say goodbye

I look back at my time in North as a time where I have learned incredibly much about my self. A time where I have been challenged on my values as a coach, but also my preparation for events, tactical development and mental state of mind of being a professional. I am now standing on the other side of my journey in North as a stronger version of myself, knowing what challenges lies ahead and with all the possibility of becoming an even better coach who can help future players and teams performing as the best version of themselves.

My work as a coach and especially through developing talent through the last five yeard has taught me that there will be ups and downs, and it’s the downperiod that defines you as a professional. As a person. The ability of using a downperiod as a lecture in life is what makes a man and when my emotions from this experience has settled then I’m going to look back and reflect on how I can grow from this and become an even better coach.

I want to say thank you to the boys! I care deeply about every one of you. Both the ones who are currently an active part of the lineup, but also former players. You are all amazing and I wish you all the success in the world.

A huge thank you to Jonas ‘whiMp’ Svendsen who gave me the chance a year ago, and who even after his departure from North was a good sparring partner that I could discuss certain challenges with that helped making the right decision. Your sparring has been unique, your ability of always staying calm and having the right mindset, but also creating a safe environment for the people around you is amazing

Lastly a huge thank you to Nikolaj Primdal. My old boss, and still a beloved friend. You have always only been a phonecall away and are still a faithful sparring partner. Your insigt to the professional world of sports has helped me through many obstacles through this last year. If it wasn’t for our work with values and how to create healthy relations to teams and players, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I am more motivated than ever. I am far from done.

Torbjørn ‘mithR’ Nyborg

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