
Jack Conway · @conwakk

8th Jan 2020 from TwitLonger

My name is Conwakk and I’ve been a SMITE player since 2013 Apollo Patch. This is the 2nd year I’ve been up for vote for the Olympians so I’m clearly doing something right. I started casually playing with friends and then moved onto ranked where I climbed the scene. I’ve coached most of the EU scene who are now living the life in Alphretta and ones back at home in the challenger scene. I started coaching in 2015 with Team Illusion and then moved onto other EU challenger teams. I’m most known for my coaching of the SEA International team Mashubois who made SMITE Masters 2018 LAN. I am a masters ranked player/jungler since Season 2 and also an avid Assault player. Below are my changes and concerns that I would bring up to TitanForge/Hi-Rez (whatever you want to call them). I also have 4k worshippers on Apollo.

Olympian Manifesto:

International Scene Changes:
I’ve always been a large voice for the international scene as a recognised name in the EU scene and defended them when they got drama. The international scene is non existent since the demise of SGS and that’s not fair for those players playing in that region. Playing on 300 ping is not fun. I would bring up to TitanForge about the improvement of servers in international regions. This would hopefully increase playerbase in those regions and allow eventually for the return of some competitive scene in international regions as currently there is no amateur competitive international scene in any region other than EU and NA. This is something I have always been vocal on and will continue to be vocal on in the future.
Ranked is like marmite, you either love it or hate it (if 1900 hours on ranked doesn’t prove that then…). The ranked grind can be a task at some points but it’s what drives my love for this game. But for many, there’s reason to hate it – BM, trolls, speed buff invade etc. Whatever your reason for hating ranked I want to hear it, however big or small and if its reasonable I will push it towards the people it needs to go to. Everyone should have the opportunity to play ranked and improve in a competitive environment: whether that’s draft pick casual conquest to practice or a way to alleviate the fear of ranked in the lower levels but also issues from the higher ranks and everything in between. We all remember Golden Bow first item meta, we need to avoid something like that again. An improvement in ranked will hopefully lead to a healthier competitive scene and the reintroduction of amateur competition. While I never achieved my dream of coaching an SPL team that shouldn’t stop someone else achieving or having that dream.
It needs fixing, coaches and content creators have been asking for a long time. Lets make it happen!
Bugs and Changes:
Let’s be honest, the game has many bugs and always has, but some go unnoticed because they may seem small or not relevant such as wrong tooltips to game breaking bugs that happen on patch day (my second claim to fame is finding the Hou Yi invincibility bug). I would make sure that TitanForge are held accountable to their changes and make sure that they happen. I would want to act as a gateway to TitanForge for all players concerns, queries etc and if the change or fix can’t happen then for it to be explained why. I’m very good at badgering people and that will not stop if I become an Olympian.
I’m a big advocate of promotion, whether that be small streamers or large content creators, SMITE needs more of all content creation. I would propose ideas to increase promotion and make aware of the ones there already are. Games thrive off promotion and smite shouldn’t be an exception.
Anything else:
The job description of the Olympians is to be a gateway for feedback from the community to the devs directly and any idea, issue etc send to me will be properly read and replied to whatever the issue or question (kind of like a Member of Parliament in British Politics). I want to be your MP.

Thanks for reading if you got this far and any questions etc please contact me either on twitter: @Conwakk - Reddit: /u/Conwakk or Discord: Conwakk#9665

Any retweets will be appreciated, and I urge you to vote for someone to represent you, even if it’s not me!

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