
Ethan · @ethanander

30th Dec 2019 from TwitLonger

2020 speech

2020 is upon us.

I want you to realize this gift of life that you have been given but take for granted. I want you to understand that you haven't even tapped into half of what you are capable of and that your potential is far beyond what you can imagine.

We now live in a world where the pleasure seeker is being celebrated, society is hijacking your brain and providing you with more pleasure, quicker and much much cheaper, you have been enslaved and are being drained of your divine power, but you are also capable of taking control so I want you to wake up.

Your family needs you, your friends need you, this community needs you, the world needs you.

Let go of the past you are clinging to, your mistakes dont matter, forgive yourself for the things you are ashamed of. Stop looking at the external world for answers and look within yourself instead.

I want you to conquer lust. I want you to conquer fear. I want you to love yourself for who you are. I want you to commit harder than you ever have before. I want you to be the person your friends can rely on when it comes to everything.

I want you to completely let go of the need for attachments but I equally want you to work 10 times harder than everyone else to achieve what you believe in.

I want you to take less and give more. I want you to be grateful for what you have, every single day. I want you to stop playing the victim, I want you to stop complaining. I want you to stand up for other people who need you. I want you to see every human being as part of yourself on this earth.

I want you to understand that now is the only time you have. I want you to educate yourself more in all aspects. I want you to sharpen the skills you already have and acquire new ones.

I want you to be the person your 5 year old self would have loved to have as a role model. I want you to understand that in this reality, dimension, universe or whatever you want to call it, what is capable here is far beyond what your mind can comprehend. That is also the beauty of it, we can shape and bend reality into things we havent experienced before.

I dont care what you believe in, I just want you to know that you have something so powerful within you.

I love you all. Happy new year. Lets make this not only the best year but the best decade.

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