
Boomington · @ayob00m

18th Dec 2019 from TwitLonger

My side of the story.

First of all, if you look at those screenshots they sent, those were three months after NEC. They are also missing the time where they asked me for a ride to a local, and then attacked me (using their language that is in a screenshot in this post) at the end of the ride. But I will get to that part.

It was NEC 2018. It was Saturday night. I was downstairs playing on the arcade cabs, and they approached me. I knew they were from my scene, but I didn't know who they were. We talked, and another friend came by, so all three of us head to the bar. I buy both of them a drink, and then the bar closes, so we find another person, and we all go to a room. At this point, we were all making jokes. I make a certain joke about someone they were interested in saying "I can get this persons number for you if you want", and then they immediately grab my crotch and push me in a corner, while aggressively kissing me and saying "What do I have to do to get his number huh?" I pushed them off and people in the room were saying "Woah woah woah woah!" It took me a bit to process what happened, and in the moment, I didn't know what to do. All of us then left the room, and while waiting in the elevator, they starts laying on me without my permission. I then move away and then they say "what, I cant lay on you?" I don't respond, but get in the elevator with everyone else. We get to the next room, and I then check my twitter and I get aggressive messages saying "I want to have sex with you." In my mind, I said that if I give them what them want, then they will leave me alone. While in the new room, they find me and lays on me without my saying anything. So then I was like okay, lets just get this over with so they could leave me alone. Poor thinking on my part, but I did not know what else to do. I invited them to my car, in hopes that afterwards, they would leave me alone. There was oral play on their part. I actually never bragged about it. I just told two friends that something happened.

I messed them them saying hey, i don't think this is something that I am okay with, and so that shouldn't happen again. They do apologize, and say that they were sorry. I didn't tell anybody about what actually happened before because I simply did not know what to do. I thought that if I told them what happened before, that I would be ridiculed for it, so I played it off, but I never bragged about it.

A few days later, still in December, they ask for a ride to a local. I didn't want to do it, but at the same time, I did not think that something would happen again after I said that this was something that I was not okay with. And if someone wants to play SoulCalibur, I generally will go out of my way to give them a way to come out. I take them to the local, and it finishes. During that ride, they were pretty aggressive with their words, but I did my best to ignore it. At the end of the ride to their place, they attacked me. And I use the word attacked because that was the same language they used to describe what happened here:
This was in reference to them asking me for a ride again, after what happened last time. When I parked in front of their house, they stalled getting out of the car. They then proceeded to shove nudes in my face, as well as started caressing me and taking their clothes off without me saying anything. I then felt trapped again, and the same thought crossed my mind of "if i just give them what they want, they will leave me alone."

After this time, I again say this isn't okay. They keep trying to paint a picture of this "us" thing and a friends with benefits situation, but anytime that was mentioned, it was immediately shut down.

They then continued to ask for rides, only looking for sexual intercourse.

When I told them no about things, they would respond with things like this, which made it even more awkward to say something about it.

Then they would ask me questions about if they were aggressive or not, and I honestly didn't feel comfortable answering them honestly after hearing some of the things that they would vent to me about their mental health and personal situation: https://gyazo.com/ee1684c5497ffa49ca68b7e02c6f2ab5 (a lot of the msg blurred out for their privacy with anything not regarding the situation)

This was also dated on December 30th, before the screenshots that were posted by them were shown. With things like this in the back of my mind, I didn't feel comfortable being completely honest with them, as I really did not want any harm to come their way.

Eventually I stopped responding altogether, which prompted them to get mad at me and so I tried to resolve the situation by saying that I was sorry, and that I should not have cut them off (Which I also should have handled better. I should have been completely honest with them.)
I then took steps for myself to distance myself from the situation. I muted them on twitter, and made it so that I didn't get notifications of messages from them.

To explain the screenshots of what they posted:

The first batch: I'm not sure really how explain this one, except that I said that they didn't attack me, except for NEC. This also is the wording that they used. I told them that it didn't matter because I was worried about their mental health, and I didn't want any harm to be done to them. At that point, I wanted to get away from the situation. Instead of attacking me, they caressed me, as well a They also said that things happened two more times, when in reality, only two instances happened. I also did tell them that I did have fun being around them when SoulCalibur talk was happening. Which that did happen, they did ask me to help them as a player. But when it came to the sexual part, I said what I said mainly to keep them from feeling bad. In reality, during both instances, I had to play my enjoyment off. And I specifically remember during the second instance, I told them that this isn't okay, and that I need to leave immediately. They whined and complained, but eventually left me alone.

The second batch: it was never anything about "us". They asked me if they were aggressive towards other people, because they had "other people in their DM's."
(this is dated before February, so while they did ask me about being aggressive, most of the time it was in regards to other people.)

I did not want to tell them the truth simply because of discussions of them having suicidal thoughts earlier, as well as I truly did not want them to be outcast. I still wanted to be friends because I thought that they were actually making strides to better themselves. The hug was okay, because it was in front of a bunch of people at a local, and there seemed to be no bad intent. I don't hate people, nor do I intend to start.

The second batch: They actually got really pissed off at me because I felt bad about cutting them off with no reasoning, and I wanted to reconcile that and apologize for that. Nothing more, nothing less. That is why I said this part: "The way I treated you was how I wronged you 100% At least over twitter." I was apologizing for my cutting them off over Twitter. They did not attend locals very much during that time, so there was little interaction in person.

The third batch: it was never anything about "us". They asked me if they were aggressive towards other people. I did not want to tell them the truth simply because of discussions of them having suicidal thoughts earlier, as well as I truly did not want them to be outcast. I still wanted to be friends because I thought that they were actually making strides to better themselves. The hug was okay, because it was in front of a bunch of people at a local, and there seemed to be no bad intent. I don't hate people, nor do I intend to start.

In October, I did say that it is okay for them to come and play SoulCalibur. I do not mind making sacrifices for my scene, and I thought that I would be okay, when in reality I wasn't. Some people know that I wasn't okay with it, but I did not want to have any harm done to the MD scene, so I said I was okay with it. Even after everything, I did not want them to feel outcast, but at the same time, holding in what happened to me did not help me in anyway, shape, or form.

I do 100% understand that my actions were not the best way to handle the situation. I felt trapped, and I did not know the best way to handle the situation. I should have been 100% honest in stating how I felt from the beginning. I also should have spoke up about this sooner. I felt that I would have gotten ridiculed for speaking up, so I kept it down.

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