
Flossen · @TwitchFlossen

3rd Dec 2019 from TwitLonger

Post-Announcement TwitLonger

For the second time in 2 years, I’ve received an email from the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Dentistry notifying me that I’ve been accepted to start Dental School in August. This time I am all in on my dentistry career. UNMC is the best org I could have joined. The past 18 months have been a dream come true: 2 TwitchCon appearances, Winter Royale finalist, Secret Skirmish LAN in Los Angeles, WC duos qualifiers with RogueShark, FNCS Trios finals with Rogue and Knight, FNCS Squads grand finals with Legedien, Cole & Armond. Invited to Epic headquarters for special product testing in June 2019. I am so glad I postponed my dental career for two years to live this dream.

However, I’m a boomer in the world of Competitive Fortnite. The best players in the world are 14-17 years old and I will be nearly 25 when I start dental school. I want to thank Dr. Vogt at the College of Dentistry for believing in me and allowing me the opportunity to fulfill this dream before spending the rest of my life as a dental school student and then a Dentist. There is no doubt in my mind that I am making the right decision for my professional and financial future.

Until I enroll in August you will find me continuing to stream and grind the Fortnite Competitive scene. After I start dental school, I expect to continue gaming and streaming as my preferred hobby a couple hours each night. RIP to late night streams, I’ll be off to bed at 11pm each night and up at 7am for class.

Thank you to all my loyal followers. You are the best and I hope we maintain our bond for years to come!!

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