
sachi · @sachiow0

4th Nov 2019 from TwitLonger

Why I haven’t been streaming..

It’s been a bit since I’ve streamed and I feel pretty bad about it. In case anyone was wondering where I’ve gone- from doing 10 hour daily streams to radio silence- this is for you:

If you don’t want to read, you can skip to my tl;dr at the end

Since late June, my grandmother has been in and out of the hospital and facilities for a stroke, which we all knew was coming after her smoking 2 packs a week. Actually, the night of my birthday is when we had to take her back, after one hospital misdiagnosed her stroke symptoms(thinking about suing those bastards)

Every day I go to the facility that she’s in to spend time with her. She was the person that raised me, the one who was there everyday for me, so it’s been really difficult to see her in the state that she’s in. I know that she doesn’t have much longer left, as she is currently on life support and in immense pain, but my family insists on keeping her here for now...and that’s been really hard for me mentally. Seeing her health deteriorate and watching her be in so much pain breaks my heart, but i can tell she’s happier when I am by her side and holding her hand. When i say goodbye for the day, she’ll wave but keep clutching my hand wanting me to stay.

So that’s where I’ve been. When I am home, it’s difficult to muster up the mental fortitude to stream, but I am getting more accustomed to it. Streaming has always put a smile on my face and in turn, a smile on your faces(hopefully). I actually have a pretty big hardware upgrade that should be set up in the next few days that I’m really excited about! I’m hoping it will take the stream to a whole new level, and i hope to deliver aaaalllllllll the virtual juice to u guys

tl;dr spend most of my time at hospital facility with terminally ill close family member, and am working on getting back to streaming soon(with new upgrades and better content!) within the next 1-2 weeks

Thanks for reading!

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