number of actual bots is concerning and not good for the game in current state.

So, i just ended up playing for a straight 3 hours of just researching ''players'' in the game with Vikkstar & we ended up running into probably about 60% actual robots, not bad players.. ROBOTS.

I'd like to start this off, before people with 0 IQ start crying about, ''WHY DO YOU CARE''?
''Why does it bother you? They dont provide you with any good loot'' actually they do, they give you tons of mats.
I'm here trying to make the game fun for everyone, not only myself.
I woudn't like it myself if i'd be a new player getting absolutely rolled because theres a somewhat decent player that ran into a bot before me.
also, this makes the game less enjoyable in general. for content creators aswell.
Imagine trying to do some cool stuff, maybe a challenge video or w/e & 60% of the kills you're getting looks like people high on crack, or as drunk as someone who just chugged a Vodka bottle.
you woudn't even be able to use the vid, and viewers on stream woudn't really enjoy this either.

Yes, they have told us this was going to be implemented in the game. Fine, i get it.
If they were actually capable of doing something i could see why this is okay to do, to help out the newer players.
But in this case, unfortunately it DOES NOT.
yes, ''maybe'' they'll feel a little accomplished after being able to kill someone that doesn't shoot back, or shoots past you on purpose.
But the way these bots work is, they have a build phase / a ''shooting'' kinda phase & a farming phase.

The farming phase is the most concerning one.. since the others don't do that much, shoot-bot can't hit a target, and builder only places a couple things and mindlessly runs at you.
The farming bot goes on a rampage, and literally hits & destroy's any PROP or WALL and farms a shit-ton of mats.

Imagine some decently good player, or a ''pro'' player in this case to run into one of these?
They end up with 3k mats in a public game.
What happens if this person runs into the newer players these ''bots'' are decent for ?

We have played multiple games, and casually gotten 3k mats out of nowhere just by running into these.
There's no way we should be even remotely close to getting paired with either these bots, or actual bad players.

The way we thought this worked, since they have like actual looking names is, when people leave a certain lobby, ''most'' slots will get filled with AI's, ontop of the already added AI's to the game.
Because you hear the sound of people leaving, and see the blue thing that spawns when people leave, but they don't actually leave (looks like they get taken over character (skinwise) & (namewise) they have playernames.

Also for further proof, i'll be attaching a clip where you can literally see perfect 90 and 180 degree turns of the speed of light.
(farming bots seem to have this where they randomly just turn a perfect 90/180 out of no where.) see clip:

On top of this, you cannot see the names / spectate them in the replay mode.
I went through this, and done some further inspection, and atleast 50% of the people that you drop with on landing are not actual players.

here a pic of how bots do not show their names in the replay mode:

I made this all outta love for the game, and i want it to be as good as it possibly can.
Also i don't want the ''newer'' players to experience the dumpstering that will continue to happen if this stays this way. cuz the MMR / amount of wins someone has obviously doesn't work yet.

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