My issue with osu!support team

I have been playing this game for almost 5 years. I have been here for awhile clearly. So I want to explain some things today about a certain issue I have been having with the osu!support. And that is changing my flag.

Lemme start off at the very beginning. I made my account in 2015 on February 14th, Valentines day. I live in Okinawa, Japan and have lived here for 7 years now. I made my account in Japan with a Japanese email and so, when my account was created, I had the Japanese flag. 8 months into playing the game, I wake up one morning to see my osu!flag has changed from Japan to the US flag. Confused as I was, i refreshed the page multiple times... still the same. I asked my friends if they see the same thing and they all said yes. So, it turns out my flag has indeed changed.

Keep in mind I just started out with the game and never really took a screenshot of my userpage at this time, or at least none that i can find of now (it's been 4 years give me a break). i never used a vpn, or went to the states at all during this time so i was very confused to what i saw in front of me.

I searched online and the reddit if anyone has had the same issue. Came up with nonthing. However, I was told that changing your flag is possible. With a bit of showing some of your personal information such as drivers licence, passport, etc. of the same region you are trying to change your flag into, the osu!support team will change your flag. So I did just that. at first I didn't really know what i was doing. I didnt really send them the right information, but they helped me through it.

Eventually i showed them the information they needed and sent me back with the same response that they will end up sending me for the next 4 years of trying.

When i got this email, i was very confused. And I thought it was because it took me forever because of my slow ass. So i tried it again, the same exact response:

This was a few months after the first email. When I got this email, i was kind of pissed. I showed them what they needed and they still gave me this response. So i gave up for the time being. And about a year later i decide to try it again after the new website launched. And I don't think i need to show you anymore screenshots because it is the same god damn response for the next 3 times.

Here comes some bullshit. (Warning, you may get pretty triggered)
I bought support during this time, and when you receive the email, you are thanked and are allowed to ask any questions you may have. So i asked ppy, why my flag changed in the first place from Japan to America without my permission and why it happened.

First of all, this doesnt answer my question. Second of all, how does this justify your team or website in changing my flag without my permission!? This is what pissed me off the most, and I just gave up in changing my flag. Until...

Fast forward to May of 2019. I'm in the Touhou tournament and of course, my time schedule is based off from where my flag is. So all my matches were around 3-4 AM since i dont actually live in the states! So this really did turn into a problem. You may think that "its just a flag on your userpage whats that got to do with anything about the game". Well this is the issue. Joining tournaments become a huge issue especially when i really love doing tournaments. I can't join any Japanese tournaments, and time scheduling is a problem for me, and the staff.
So in August, I decide to try 1 last time and do it 100% right. They said I could block any information I am not comfortable in sharing but at this point, I dont care. I send them my passport with the osu!client open and me logged in and...

Wouldn't you guessed it. Same. Exact. Response.

At this point, I was starting to get pissed and clearly, whatever is on the damn website isn't what i should be doing. So i decide to ask upfront, through email on WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO. This is what I get:

Does this make any fucking sense? I never showed any information, all I did was ask a question. Clearly they are not even reading my emails or bothered to even help me. Is this what you call a support team?

Before anyone asks why this could have happened...
- No, I never spammed them with requests to change my flag. I sent them a few months or even years apart from each other.
- Yes, I did mess up the first time trying to change my flag in the first email, but i was new to the game and didn't really know what I was doing, but that doesn't mean they can just neglect my emails like this.

I have seen people change their flags. Xilver and HappyStick are 2 examples. I have searched a lot online about anyone having this same issue. yes people have issues trying to change their flags but none of them talk about their flags changing at random.

My flag not getting changed isn't the main problem and it isn't the biggest thing pissing me off. But it's about my flag changing from Japan to the US without my permission or notice. No one from staff told me why it happened, and no one told me how it happened. The biggest thing isn't my flag right now, it is the lack of support from the support team. Just a fucking "I don't know" or "We will look into this matter" is all im asking for right now, but no, I'm not getting a single answer for the past 4 years and all my emails are clearly being neglected.

I am upset and disgusted by this. If I am doing something wrong in the flag changing process, please tell me. However, I have talked to plenty of people in the osu!community about this and everyone is telling me that what I'm sending should be enough information and that this situation is total bullshit.

I just want a professional conversation and guidance on trying to change my flag from the support team. Please. I just want my Japanese flag back. Is really that hard to ask?

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