Idk how long will this post be so bare with me
Striving to become something for several years and then being cut off by your parents because they think it isn't/won't be profitable and is not worth your efforts is honesly the worst i have ever experienced and probably will have ever experienced in my life.
Everybody in my family thought that i was only joking when in 2016 i said "I want to become a cyberathlete and play at the highest level imaginable"."This is but a whim, you'll grow out of it" . It was 2 months after Overwatch has been released. I was playing on the ps4 mind you. And then, on the 11th of January 2017, i got a pc and the first game i bought was OW. And in the third season of me playing it, transferring from console(where i was 4200+ sr in second season) to pc with THE WORST devices imaginable, except for the headset (cloud 2, cause i used it on ps)(mouse for literally 10 dollars and a keyboard from 2005-6, and obviously a 60hz monitor)
I managed to get to masters, and probably would've gotten to gm but i only had one week till the season's end when i got to play ranked and combined with school i didn't have too much time to grind. The next season i've easily went to gm as you would expect, and then one guy dmed and asked if i by any chance was looking for a team as a support player (which i was back then) We kept playing and i noticed how our dps sucked when i got lil better. And when we were looking for new ones i asked whether i could try becoming a dps or nah, and they went "Sure why not". That was the point which basically led to me writing this post right now.
I started pouring insane amount of practice into my aim and positioning. And it was going semi-good with a few ups and downs, until the mid summer of 2018. Our main tank had to go to college right before the start of OD (S3 2018 i think...?) And i think we had decent chances at least going into top 8 cause we were ballin' really hard. And so the next half a year i almost fully left competitive ow except for the occasional ringing for tier 3-2, and was supper unhappy with how everything came to be.
AND THEN A WILD APEX LEGENDS APPEARED. I thought "WOWEE, this game is THE GAME" And started grinding it , not as much as any of my friends who weren't going to school at the time simply because of lack of time. And i couldn't play with anyone too cause i wasn't willing to switch from wraith. So most of the time i would just sit there by myself and kill bots in pubs. Then the @ApexProDiscord has opened and people were going there to scrim. As i didn't have any constant teammates, i start looking for someone to play with from CIS overwatch discord channels. Thus, i found @esdesu__ and @xaniyaWasTaken, and switched from wraith to lifeline o_O. And we were playing, were showing decent results, won some killraces when there was a frenzy with them in Apex and after it ended just played league until the fifth season where we left week and a half until the end cause we got tired of playing on na(tbh most of the cis stopped playing league that season). And then the SECOND SEASON came by. And i was hyped as ever, it was like WOW THEY ARE ADDING RANKED POG CHAMPION. And in the first week or so when each game had multiple cheaters FIGHTING EACH OTHER LULW and que times were literally 30 mins+ i got somewhat bored of it, but kept playing whenever somebody asked me to play with them. And then BOOM POW the resuming of the league after 1.5 half months pause, krakow invitational announcement, all the anxiety while waiting for the invite which we got and thought this is trully the end game, nothing can go wrong now. We were quite obviously wrong, hence this post.... We were negotiating with several orgs, and when we stopped on one, and already were pretty much set for signing the contract, me being not an adult legally (17 btw)played a bad joke on my whole team ( i am terribly sorry). My parents decided that signing it is too risky, and i will get yoinked and my organs will be sold and all of that creepy mumbo jumbo you can easily find online. On top of that they yoinked the pc claiming that i am an addict, and to prove that i am not i have to be without it for 2 months. I hope no one will ever experience such a thing from your parents/family/loved ones, cause i feel like i've been betrayed so hard that even Ceaser hadn't it as rough as me.

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