
iFlynn · @xiFlynn

21st Aug 2019 from TwitLonger

Leaving Warframe

Hey @everyone

I mentioned briefly in a video yesterday about me quitting Warframe and I'm already noticing people making this more dramatic than it's meant to be, I just want to clarify that this is very much so a personal thing or decision if you will, meaning that its not the games fault and its not the developers fault.

I'm quitting the game for my own sake, my own mental health, my own Youtube channel and Twitch channel, my own enjoyment, and my own community that let's be honest I've 100% lost touch with as most of the hardcore members lost interest in Warframe long long ago.

Warframe is just not enjoyable for me anymore to play or make content on, we could sit here and blame X or Y or Z or we could just move on and hope for a time where I do go back to enjoying the game but I'm being honest with you when I say that I don't see that happening any time within the near future.

For now Warframe is completely off the table for me, I will be ending my Warframe partnership as late as the 12th of September, probably a week earlier now after giving it some thought, my glyph will still be in-game for those of you who already own it, newcomers just won't be able to redeem it, the clan will still be active but I have no idea if it will die if I'm not around but lets be real I've barely been around and It's still been doing fine from what I can tell.

It became a struggle for me to read or view or play anything Warframe related, It is so mentally exhausting and draining, I don't expect everyone to understand that simply because everyone who is not a Warframe content creator can choose to distance them self from the game and come back at their leisure, I would just rather do anything in my life but Warframe right now even if it kills both my channels, think of it kind of like how you think or feel while in school or at your job if you hate either of those, you would rather be doing anything else!

I know that the last paragraph seemed a little whiney ''boo hoo I don't want to make money from this game any more'' but there is way much more to it than that which you have hopefully taken away from this short post.

I will have a video going up in September explaining in more detail why I made the decision to completely leave the game.

TL:DR I don't like the game anymore, playing it or making content for it has become too much of a chore that I'd rather be doing anything else with my life.

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