Tom Ballard: Enough #edfringe review

This was the show I had been craving all Fringe long. I’m walking out with such a buzz, checking my watch because that felt no longer than 20 minutes. It’s obviously true what they say, time does fly when you’re having fun.

Basically, Tom has made his bucket speech into a show - a brilliant show at that. It’s ridiculous how something so simple can be a main theme and still be hilarious and entertaining.

This show feels so natural, almost as if it were made up on the spot. And from the way that he interacts with the crowd, you’d think it was.

Tom shows no fear and doesn’t shy away from anything; he’s open and up for everything thrown at him on this rowdy Friday evening.

This is a seriously funny show with plenty belly laughs throughout. Everyone in the audience seems to feel the same; when I eventually compose myself I look around to see many wiping away tears of joy.

What’s really clever about this show is it's ending. It’s not what I expected. He builds up the best bucket speech ever, then pulls the rug from beneath you.

This is a lovely piece of writing but performance-wise it’s exceptional. He puts absolutely everything into this - you just need to look at his white shirt, now see-through from his animated performance.

One of the best things I’ve seen this year; you don't want to miss it. Bring plenty of money for the bucket speech - you’ll need it.

4 Stars ★★★★

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