Ehsan Javed · @DREAL_JE

23rd Jul 2019 from TwitLonger

Abit of an over-due announcement;

I'm not going to be competing on COD and will be effectively 'retiring'. I'm pursuing other priorities in life and won't have the time or effort to compete. I'll probably stream the new COD here and there but, nothing CWL / AMs related for the future.

Shout out to literally everyone who made competing enjoyable, and the people who opened new experiences for me. Travelled the world and did things that i don't think i'd be able to do with esports.

Good luck to a lot of you still competing and hopefully the years to come are kind, so many of you deserve it. To the rest, keep your egos in check you clowns.

That being said, i'll be helping the Elevate guys prepare for the upcoming COD Championships as an analyst and coach. The guys are a real talent but, practise hasn't been the best and we will definitely change that for this event. Real thanks to the guys themselves, for allowing me the opportunity to work with them. Giving it nothing but 110%

Hopefully, it gets me a step in the right direction for the future franchising with the guys.

@Wailers_WL @Lacefield @ELVBelieve @ProFeeZy @MRuiz989


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