TheFortniteMeme the ''oh so super nice guy''

So, in this post i would like to talk about the guy that has been twisting words, skipping evidence & making it seem like people are in the wrong doing awfull stuff without any proper research or evidence.

Man is trying to play it cool saying he's got 220 videos, in 7 months while fact checking every single on of them.
NO, you did not fact check shit. you woudn't even have nearly the amount of time to fact check any of this.
You're trying to bring out videos and ''Rushing'' them as soon as u got something juicy on your hands. no matter the outcome or the backlash some of the people will receive from this.
Aslong as you get the money, you don't give a shit what happens to anyone else.

Ontop of this you have said, that if you are involved in any type of drama you will most likely be talking about this, no matter what happens to this persons ''name''.
''shoudn't be in any drama to begin with right?''
Ontop of this, you would be giving your take on this, and choosing ones side. (without any evidence) again. the persons side you don't choose suffers.

So what if you got an overly jealous girlfriend, making you out to be a rapist. and someone reports on this for no reason, without any info and without this being true. you think this will be a good look to begin with pretty sure your channel would suffer immensely?
This is just an example. pretty much what he/you has been doing the last couple of months. same amounts of damage.
In the real world people would be getting lawsuits over this kinda shit, ''Slander'' u call this.

Me and you both know you've got an army of 8 year olds defending you, seeing from the twitter comments nearly nobody can form a decent sentence and are sucking you up bigtime.

Well, let's start with the first one shall we. let's see where this man came from.

Check the pics first so it makes sense, and proves that this is actually the same person we are talking about here, i understand if ur so ''mature'' and ''old'' community woudn't bother, but here we go.

First off I should have been clearer with my words. I don't think your primary drive is to ruin lives, but I think you're perfectly fine with it so long as it maximizes your coverage/profits. Now to start things off I could post a myriad of scummy things you've done from leaking as Coach/Manager/Owner for a Contenders team, Getting fired from ESNN for leaking, The fact you've apologized to the OWL community multiple times only to go back on your promises (reminder multiple times). I could literally list some much stuff here ranging from petty to severe. You're hands down to most hated person I can think in the OWL community. Players hate you, managers hate you, journalist hate you and they literally tweet and talk about what a joke you are. You burnt so many bridges in such a short span of time all you had were your fans. It only took a few months a series of leaks, fake-apologies, lies and episodes to change that. With that being said, I think your concern is the ruining lives part. My thesis is that you're more than willing to do it so long as it profits you...Lets check the evidence.

"The Effect Situation"

You gas-lighted Effect on multiple videos sensationalizing the episodes of a player who was depressed and going through extremely tough times. You played a huge if not the biggest role in Effects life at the time 99% of it was just the way you were covering it. At the height of Effects break down you even translated a live stream he specifically asked not to be translated. Within 15minutes of him going live you had a translator and when thing got Juicy you live streamed it with the most click-bait title I've seen. You were obviously well aware of Effect, his life and the trouble you were causing him, but it was getting click so you did it anyway. It's just you didn't stop, you perfected the art of TMZing the shit out him. There just so much more too this. Anyone who doesn't believe or wants to see what the OWL community has to say about Mykl and this situation just click here...

Last link with 950 upvotes, title " Friendly reminder: Let's try and give Dafran respect and not pull a Mykl with how he covered Effect's issues last season " Because your sensationalist crap took a long time to amend. When a story gets big these major names get pestered by people who don't even care about them. Most of these hoards are people who just love drama so until the dust settles they can't make repairs. It's virtually impossible to speak truth to mobs when you get the riled up. Especially since the truth is nearly as interesting as the dramatic speculation you've become so fond with. I love your psychological analysis as well, you clearly read a lot of Jung.

Now let's move away from Overwatch and move over to Fortnite... You've really made a name for yourself in the community man. Let me be the first to say that while I don't like you, your content isn't nearly as painful to watch as those terrible Fortnite highlight channels. I think you do a waaaaay better job than most people and you clearly have some talent. My problem is that you're willing to lie, manipulate, sensationalize, and dramatize anything that will make for a better story. I sincerely if you used your power for good, you could do a great job, but I doubt you've ever will. You've lied to the OWL community far to many times on twitter. Your apologies are literally a meme within the community. I honestly don't want to bring up the next situation just because of how tricky it is and how poorly you covered it. You literally created a mob to destroy a 18 year old. What situation am I talking about?

**"**LG Kreo" (Video)

Now this goes out to anyone reading this, not just you Mykl. The "Kreo" situation is tricky y'all. In life it's easy to focus on black in white, right and wrong, good and evil. But unlike the movies, life is a bit more complex, because it's universally filled with flawed people. With that being said the "Kreo" situation is so sticky and filled with slanderous lies that's it's become almost impossible to touch. In a couple of days this guy became the #1 meme in Fortnite, Unemployed and a leper within the Fortnite community. The problem is Kreo isn't a saint either and DEFINITELY lied and made mistakes during the situation, but the only way the outrage would hit critical mass is by distorting the truth, which you were more than happy to do.

Let me start off with a list of inaccuracy and lies that enabled you to tell your tale...

At 4:52 in your Kreo video said The only reason he'd have so many Paypal accounts is to scam people. That was your only explanation and you said it as fact. When there a multiple reason why someone would have multiple paypal accounts. The main reason is limits and this very person to person mostly based on how often you receive. So he could easily have people/friends accepting his money and cashing out for him if he was hitting a limit which is super common, especially for people with low volume. It could be a multitude of reasons with the most likely being he had the money sent directly to the seller because.. A) If the original owner of the account takes it back, the original buyer can charge back instead of putting the middle man on the hook for both of them. B) No extra fees are paid. I'd also like to remind you this is exactly what Kreo said in his response, but let's continue...

Now from 5:19 - 6:00 in your video, you say that Kreo told Noah he just wanted to play on Noah's Account. You claimed that Noah told Kreo that he didn't want him to sell the account. You also said that Noah didn't give him the account. Anyone who watches that part and pauses on the screen shots can easily see that you didn't back that up. There is no screen shot or text of Noah asking him not to sell the account. Reading the text at 5:50 you can clearly see Kreo was confirming that Noah was giving him the account. Noah said it was 50/50 then asked Kreo if he could have the original email for the account Kreo sold him. Kreo said no. Kreo then said can I make it my main, add my own V-bucks, play on it 24/7? Noah then said "Yes". Now this is a sticky part in the story. From the messages we were shown Kreo basically just asked this kid if he could have his account and the kid gave it to him. If you ask me Kreo knew he had clout and used his position to ask for a free account and the kid gave it to him. I don't agree with this at all, but at the end of the day kids give a lot of money to streamers just so they might acknowledge them. Even if it's only for a second or two. I really don't find it much different than that. I do think it shows bad class, but he didn't steal Noah's account as you claimed, and you blatantly misquoted the text.

Just to further demonstrate how inaccurate you're from 6:19 - 6:25 you said Kreo's for wanting the account was because of the Raven skin, eventhough it says in the screen shit right in front of your face he said "Burnout." Now this isn't a big deal in the slightest, but it did become one of the biggest meme's out of the Kreo situation and I believe the top post on this sub at one time. Just goes to show that you didn't check your work and your fans didn't either.

At 6:43 in the video you discuss the unsuccessful logins messages Noah received. Remember this is the account he gave to Kreo. You then claimed that Kreo was probably trying to sell or rent the account without providing any further evidence. One easy explanation is that he just typed in the wrong password, but it doesn't matter. You used this to build you case of Kreo trying to scam Noah and go against his wishes by selling the account. You have yet to provide the screenshot of Kreo asking Noah not to sell the account.

You claim at 8:16 Kreo asked for a screenshot of the account he sold to Noah because he wanted to see if Noah put any new skins on the account, because if he did it would be worth more and Kreo would scam it back. This is in early June mind you. You didn't provide any further evidence, but it's pretty obvious Kreo wanted to see if Noah was spending V-bucks on that account. Why? Because in the early messages around 7:00-8:00 mark Noah was logging back onto the account he gave Kreo and spending the V-bucks. I think Kreo was trying to see if Noah was going to take back the account because he was investing in the one he bought Kreo. Either way, Kreo got the account back from him multiple times at that was from June. Unless he bought a ton of skins almost nothing could increase the value of that account past the rare skins on it btw. Very small point here, but felt it needed to be made because it was part of your overall story/conclusions. Also shows how little evidence you bring to the table for the conclusions you assert.

From 8:30 - 9:30 We can see that Kreo lost access to the account and messaged Noah and Noah got it back for him. That same day Noah just happened to lose access to his account and Kreo got it back for him that same day.

At around 10:15 Noah loses access to the account that Kreo sold him. Kreo got the info back to him the next day.

Now at 10:20 The password changes yet again for Noah's account. Noah to pay Kreo for getting the account back, but Kreo just said I'd rather you sub. Then followed up quickly by saying "I'm giving you the acc back no matter what" as can be scene at 10:39. The way you describe the events you make it sound like Kreo was making the part of the bargin when he let Noah now right away that he didn't have to. Again, it's not the nicest thing, but it's definitely not sleazy considering he told Noah that he didn't have to. Also it's no different from a little kid subbing or gifting subs to another streamer.

At 11:01 You claim that the bleedceltic email is 100% Kreo's email and the only evidence that you provided was a link between that email address and the paypal it was sent to. (Eventhough Kreo had multiple Paypal's as you said. This goes back to my first point in this list. The fact that Kreo had Noah send the Original Account Owner the money directly so that Kreo would not get stuck in the middle of a chargeback. I don't expect you to know that per se, but I you don't have to say you know 100%. The funniest part is that for $1.99 2 day trail to a background checking service could have easily produced you the Original Owner of the account and the Paypal.

At 11:42 You claim that Kreo kept taking back the account so he could see if Noah bought anymore skins so he could sell the account for more. Not only do you not bring any proof to the table, but the account had already increased a lot in value from June. Kreo didn't have to wait for 1-2 skin purchases to sell the account for a lot more is what I'm saying, but either way your assumptions are without evidence and only speculation. Poor speculation at that.

So fastforward to mid-January a Noah loses access to the account that he bought from Kreo. Just as a reminder the account hasn't been taken back since September. At around the 13:10 mark you screenshot how Kreo lied to Noah about being the original account owner. This part is 100% factual and Kreo confessed in multiple apologies to Noah that he was sorry for this. So just to be clear, this was a bad thing that Kreo did. But at 13:15 You claimed this was just Kreo's way of covering his tracks from scamming. Yet again, you do not bring any evidence, but shaping your own narrative.

At 13:16 We get into the worst aspects about Kreo. Noah lost his account and Kreo was going through the process yet again. This time it was taking longer, Kreo was being short with Noah and even waiting a couple of days between responses. Noah sent two more messages and Kreo did not respond. After 12 days of no response Noah finally contact Mykl (The Fortnite Guy).

At 13:35 Mykl writes messages for Noah (He fails to mention that part) and Kreo finally responds after Mykl said, "So I guess you like scamming little kids?" Kreo almost immediately responds and says he will give Noah his smurf "another account." Noah then spams Kreo with 7 different messages within a 17 minute time frame. Which leads too...

14:54 Where Mykl claims that Kreo did not respond for another 24 hours, but I'm a little curious about this. In all the other messages Mykl is scroll through Noah's messages by hand. But right when Kreo says "You're so impatient" he fails to provide the timestamp for the first time. Mykl claim Kreo waited 24 hours to respond, but Noah sent all those messages within a 17 minute period. Also in one of the messages he says "You're dead now". The funniest part is that line was almost certainly written by Mykl since he wrote virtually all the messages to Kreo once he got involved. At 15:15 you provide Noah's follow up yet to provide the time stamp yet again for the 2nd message in a row. Remember the 24 hours without a response is a big aspect. I'd love to see the original message to prove it was 24 hours. The final message from Noah/Mykl was I'm out of patience, you've treated me like shit for the last time. This is now the 3rd message in a row you fail to provide the timestamp for. Kreo sends his response (Not timestamp yet again) the famous meme "suRe.". Now that wasn't smart in the slightest but Noah had just threatened him 4 times in a 17 minute span and the conversation had obviously gotten real heated. Still not a good move.

At 15:35 (37 minutes later) Noah responds with "Whatever you say brotha" and Kreo responded two minutes later saying "I'll give you it". That's where you cut the video. You leave it there right as Kreo says he will give to him then you go on to say... "It's clear Kreo wanted to do nothing to mend the situation, and that he's not scared of getting exposed at all." Like that's the exact opposite of what played out towards the end. That's basically how you wrapped up the video and I believe it's because you didn't want Kreo to mend it after all. You were the one spamming and sending Kreo death threats in a very short time span. You removed 4 timestamps in a row at a critical moment. And you cut the video right as Kreo said he was going to give him the account. So what happened?

Well... You made a video the very next day that included Kreo's response.

At 2:30 In video you read Kreo's response where he admits to lying about being the original owner of the account and begins fessing up to his side of the story. He also provided proof of the text message from his friend. Did you even try to verify this? The text message clearly shows the guy taking back the account on the 4th attempt after 7 months. Additionally Kreo mention that the paypal/grailed account is not his, further adding evidence to my theory at the beginning of this list. At 4:10 without even trying to verify you assert that you theory is 100% accurate and that Kreo is lying without any additional evidence or even trying to verify Kreo's claims. You continue to follow this up at 4:20 when you claim Kreo didn't provide any additional proof, even though he sent screenshots, you also claimed that he guilt tripped Noah for the apology without providing proof.

At 4:22 You skipped over Kreo's apology very fast along with the part about Noah excepting the apology, the money, and 2 accounts (+ The original Kreo got back from the OO). At that point. However for some odd reason Noah rejects Kreo's apology after accepting it. Refunds the money. A continues to run Kreo's name into the ground with your assistance.

At 4:48 You go back to Kreo's response. You remark that Kreo rushed his apology and you said he hadn't responded for a month which was a downright lie. I think the response time was 12 days, which is still too long, but you didn't have to exaggerate it as usual.

At 5:30 You completely disregard the apology and says he lied in half of it without providing any breakdown or proof. You then proceed to call him scum and then ask your audience to comment as to "What they/we should call Kreo". You literally get your audience in on the hate train just to increase Youtube metrics. Seriously?

But dude,you just didn't stop there. One top of Kreo's response you begin talking about another kid that Kreo "scammed" and blackmailed at 5:50. The kid in question is Oliver and the story starts in late May when Kreo traded + paid Oliver for an account for which Oliver was the original owner of. (Kreo was not the original owner of the account he sold either).

At 6:44 You claim the Oliver told Kreo not to sell the account bold and clear, but the screenshots tell a completely different story... Oliver says " I don't think you should my acc incase I ever want it back" "I will lowkey trade back accounts". So he doesn't order kreo not to see it. He says he shouldn't because he might trade back, but then Oliver says, "Actually nvm I have abstract and roller (talking about the account he just got from Kreo). So you used the screenshot as evidence hoping nobody would read it then told a boldface lie.

At 6:56 on June 21st (Less than a month after the deal), Kreo they account Oliver traded to him scammed. He then requests that Oliver help him get back the account. Oliver acts like he doesn't have the full information and fails in helping Kreo leaving him without that account. Now that Kreo doesn't have access Oliver decide to take back the original account he traded to Kreo and says Kreo can have his old account back but not the money. So it's pretty clear in this scenario that Kreo is actually getting scammed by Oliver and the messages in your video back that up despite you lies.

At 7:27 Oliver delete a TON virtually all of his messages within the time span? Why does he do this? Why didn't he delete messages from 20 days ago? Why is it only this block of messages? Are these question you never asked yourself when looking for a good source?

At 7:40 You tell the truth about Noah being unwilling to give the account/money back to Kreo, but you also lied about Oliver telling Kreo to never sell the account, which is the only way you could justify Oliver's actions and make the story work.

At 7:48 you state that Kreo didn't want the orginal account back without explaining the whole story. The reason he didn't except the deal was because he paid Oliver on top of that acccount and Oliver didn't want to give him the money back either. Oliver wanted to keep the good account and the money.

At 8:40 You confuse blackmail with that fact that Kreo said he was simply going to get the account Oliver was playing on banned. (Kreo was not the original owner of this account, therefore could not get it back) However, getting a scammed account banned is a common practice in all account sales.

At 9:10 you discuss how big of a scumbag Kreo is because he wants his money back (because Oliver scammed him). You then compare this situation with the Noah situation by saying, " You (Kreo) kept the account and money from Noah for 8 months". That's a lie, Kreo got the account back for Noah instantly 4 times. Noah was only without an account for 2 weeks I believe. You constantly exaggerate Mykl.

At 10:40 You say Kreo was blackmailing Noah by simply texting his mom. The text didn't contain anything bad. Simply explains the situation and that Kreo would like his money back. How do you confuse this with the legal defintion of blackmail?

At 11:16 You discuss how hypocritical Kreo is being and proceed to say you know multiple kids he's scammed + Oliver and Noah. When you've yet to prove that or show anymore cases of scams taking place. But let's continue..

This is pretty much where you leave it off. After Oliver scammed Kreo, Deleted a ton of messages, you still conclude the Kreo is a scammer and tried to blackmail Oliver an "innocent" 12 year old kid without a bad bone in his body. The thing is both you and Oliver likely have the same IQ, because you both left a screenshot in the video you shouldn't have. At 10:10 You can clearly see that Oliver asks Kreo to take back/scam the other account. He clearly says "scam him." to make the situation easier on Oliver. Kreo replies "No, I'm ok because.." "A: Not gonna scam someone in pro discord and B: Not gonna scam". Mykl are you freaking kidding me? There is no way you missed that because Oliver let you log into his twiter and read all the messages. If this isn't evidence of a hit-piece, libel and slander than I don't know what is. This kid was obviously a terrible source who deleted message, obviously scammed Kreo and you took the story anyway and Twisted it because your first piece on Kreo was trending. Everything to this point proves you're a liar, but let's get back to Noah, so what actually happened?

Kreo posted his response, and you ignored his evidence, didn't even try to verify it, only used 2 of his 4 screen shots and to this point Kreo's story is a 100x more likely than your explanation. Despite all the evidence you still claim that Kreo was trying to scam the account off Noah for months, when everything presented shows that to be false. So why is this such a sticky subject? Because Kreo did thing wrong here 100%. Kreo...

Lied about being the original owner of the account he sold Noah

On his 5th attempt recovering the account he was unable. He then put Noah on hold for a few weeks. Before that he'd gotten the account back within 24 hours every-time.

He certainly used his clout to his advantage on a little kid. He was in Armada before LG and was extremely well known in the pro community. People like this favors done for them everyday online. eg streamers.

Kreo was buying and selling accounts + boosting

Kreo shouldn't have been pissed at Noah after Noah waited 2 weeks. But YOU MYKL, escalated that conversation between them. Within a 17 minutes time span you sent him 7 messages including the message that said, "You're Dead." Not many people esp pro-gamers are gonna take the much lip from a little kid. At the end though he did try to make it up and that's where you decided to cut it and run your story.

I don't think anything Kreo did with Oliver was too out of bounds. He's not gonna beat the kid up or be able to call the police so he called his mom and asked her to get involved after being scammed by the kid. He also said he would get the account banned which is common practice. Black market industries are generally pretty slimey, but he wasn't robbing drug dealers.

Mykl the story you told of Kreo is without proof or investigation. You said he baited this kid for months so he could steal the account back at the right time eventhough the value had already gone up signifigantly since it sold (No need for Noah to buy more skins). You say the only reason Kreo ever helped Noah get the account back was due to the fact he was only check to see how many skins Noah had. Noah claimed he had no account to play on, but that was a lie. He was the original owner of the account Kreo was playing on and you never mentioned this again. You told the same cry story Noah told, but it's obvious he could/did take that account back from Kreo. Kreo was a jerk though. He ignored Noah, but why did he do that? I think it's a mix of immaturity and the fact he just wanted to get away from Noah and the situation. But Noah said he was going to chargeback, meaning Kreo wouldn't be on the hook since it was the original owners paypal. I think this is what Kreo wanted so he could just slip out of the conversation without any loses. However, when Noah started bucking back, Kreo did finally try to amend the sitaution (BEFORE HE KNEW A BIG YOUTUBE CONTENT CREATOR WAS CATFISHING HIM). Kreo tried to give Noah another account right before you cut the conversation. At one point he also gave Noah 2 accounts (+ The original) + all his money back. But you couldn't let that happen. You needed maximum rage and a super villain for content. If Kreo wasn't going to play that role you had to make him into that charachter which is where we get the Noah story + the 2nd story where the kid even tells kreo to scam and he won't.

So what about Noah? We'll first off I don't know a ton about Noah, but I know a lot now. I won't get into most of it but I will say this. This kid was buying accounts + boosts which is completely against the rules. For people who sell these accounts it just says they're willing to break ToS to get a buck. For people who by them it's could possibly indicate some issues like the fact they're trying to buy clout. What kind of people honestly cheat to buy clout? I don't want to be too hard on Noah considering he's 14/15 and don't think he deserved to wait so long, but here's my problem with Noah. Kreo got the account back everytime for Noah, Noah said he would even pay him $20 a month extra for the account at never did. Noah said a bunch off stuff that wasn't true throughout the convos. Noah also accepted Kreo's apology and smurf. After the video he also accepted the money + the original account. Noah came out on top by a longshot, but something happened. Out of nowhere he decides to reject the apology and refund the money. Also tweeting further throwing Kreo under the bus.

So why the sudden change? I think it could be one or two reason, but more likely both. After the 1st video came out people were lining up in all social media comment sections Youtube, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, etc, to compensate Noah somehow. Anyone can go back to the comments sections and find tons of these posts. So maybe Noah thought he'd make a little more with all the new gifts coming in... or.... You need a good promo person for your video. You needed a living breathing victim who was still upset about the situation to maximize on the rage. So you wrote a ton of messages for Noah, who's to say you weren't coaching him through this situation? I firmly believe it's both of these, but who can really say?

Either way Mykl I've got loads on you. I've backed up all your Youtube videos from The Fortnite Guy and King_Mykl. I'm going to reach out to Kreo + others soon. I've got big things in the works but I'd love to hear a response from you. You 100% committed libel and defamation of character. If I were Kreo I'd hit you with a law-suit so big you'd think you were a 600 pound attorney. You literally did your best to tell your own story, ignore even your own evidence in an attempt to run this guy into the ground for gain. You created a giant meme and a huge lynch mob from which no one could fight. You lost the man his career not to mention all the innocent people you hurt. Think about his parents! Now what Kreo did wasn't right, but here in the US we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment. We also have courts for this type of stuff. Now I'm not saying the legal system is the best or isn't corrupted to a degree and I certainly believe media + discussion of big topics really can crowd-source the truth. But you didn't investigate. You took bits and pieces to make up a fake story and didn't even allow for discussion. It became an overnight witch-hunt and meme.

I've got soooooo much more on you Mykl, you couldn't even comprehend. Really awaiting your response, would love to hear how you're going to make this right. You accused Kreo of getting too greedy, when in reality it was you who got too greedy. There was a story here and you could have done some good, but you blew it. You show just how irresponsible you're with other peoples lives and this will be your downfall.

Shoutout to jdubwillie on reddit, who you were supposed to respond to.. but never ended up doing? too confronting maybe.....

This goes to show you're choosing sides of stories, and making situations worse than they are.
i can recall multiple.
Tinny's story. no evidence, just some recordings that got recorded right after she tried to instigate him for bad use, she was a pathological liar & a psychopath. starting to think you are the same.. lying to your fans like that? twisting stories? twisting words?

Same happened with Emad story, only shown what you wanted to show. screwed him over bigtime. but he got ontop in the end.

But wait, this ain't everything...

How about a little story where you keep making videos about a player with heavy depression, alot of issues to deal with, and just digging a deeper hole for this person while he's already feeling misserable even though the person hasn't done jack shit.
You are trying to make money of the miserable and unfortunate and you do not see what you are doing wrong while doing so. You need to get urself checked, and see how much backlash stuff you sent actually has towards those peoples stories you never ended up actually fact-checking.

You think you're up on your high horse, praying on the smaller, thinking nothing will happen and no one will bite back.

You are a villain. and are supposed to be treated as one.
Nothing better than the dirt under my shoes.

You have such an audience, with mostly young kids that don't understand much & just jump the bandwagon. you have no clue the amount of damage you can do.
It doesn't matter if you state that ''it might not be true'' or ''this guy is accused of''
They will agree to you.
No matter what you say, they look up to you. be careful with your words.

On the other hand, you do have SOME decent videos. filled with proof & facts.
It's just a shame that EVEN in the videos you do have a lot of proof & facts about you still manage to twist words & footage.

I had some sort of respect for you, but knowing all this it is all gone.
You have gone from a pro-community that disliked you, to another pro-community where nearly everyone despices you.

And a message to your fans, no. i'm not trying to get some ''clout''
I'm doing just fine on my own, and this is the last guy i wan't anything from.

I probably missed a whole lot in here, tired & gonna nap. peace.

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