
Robz · @RobzR6

30th Jun 2019 from TwitLonger

Top R6 ProLeague roster looking for a serious project/Org.

As you have seen in the tweet, we are, starting today, free agents and looking for new opportunities.

First of all, we want to thank LeStream for the support they have provided to the team during those 6 months. We part ways without hard feelings, and we wish them the best for their future.

Second of all, we want to explain in a few words why LeStream has decided to drop us : they did not get into the Pilot Program and, as such, have decided that the Rainbow Six roster does not belong in their Esport strategy anymore.

We leave with our heads held high, placed first and yet undefeated in the current European Pro League, ended the last season Top2 EU / Top5-8 World and reached the Grand Final of the last Minor in Las Vegas.

Today more than ever, we feel confident about our future performances and are ready to achieve great things on the Raleigh Major for which we qualified with our presence in the Milan Pro League Finals.

Our complete roster, composed of 5 players and 2 staff, is officially free agents and we have shown with our results that our work processes are efficient. We are ready to discuss with any serious Organization showing a real interest on investing on a mid/long term Siege project together.

Feel free to contact us using or using twitter DM's ( @RobzR6 or @LookingForOrgR6 ) if you want to receive our presentation and have more information on who we are and how we work.

See you on Bomb Site :)
Robz, Crapelle and the squad.

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