
Blind Ryan · @RKade8583

19th Jun 2019 from TwitLonger

Need a review for your game by a disabled guy trying to make a difference?

I'm Ryan. I'm disabled. I review games and try to help devs make their games more accessible to us disabled folk. I like to catch games in early access so devs have time and ability to implement whatever changes they want to from what i suggest. Being disabled and being on disability, I don't get much money so I can't do this out of the kindness of my own heart so I email/twitter/etc. devs to see if you'll throw me a bone so I can, in turn, make their bones more appealing to more dogs (just to stretch that metaphor right to the breaking point.)


My past reviews. I've gotten a few little feathers in my cap. I'm not the greatest, admittedly, but helping make games more accessible to us WITHOUT CHANGING THE FUNDAMENTAL GAME is very important to me.

Looking forward to hearing from you (even if it's a no.)

"Give us the tools to play YOUR game OUR way."

P.S. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. When I saw this, I knew advocating for fonts, mouse controls, etc. so people like us can play your games. https://imgur.com/a/KAII977

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