
stylez · @chrispiancsgo

4th Jun 2019 from TwitLonger

B44's Most wanted - nieSo

En-light of recent events, and standing in for team NoNames I think it's probably worth airing some thoughts and opinions from my time with the 'otherside'.
For those who don't know me, name is Christian 'stylez' Hart (aka chet). For context, my background is primarily in the FPS genre, years and experience at high levels across 1.6, promod, CSGO and of course Batters.
Countless amounts of online and offline events, even had a dabble at casting with our house favourites.


Jakey asked me to fill for a cup Sunday, I was dubious, I didn't even answer him immediately. It needed some thought, do I even consider it? Do I really wanna take flack for associating myself with known slime bags? I mean it was only a week ago I was flaming them.

I put some feelers around... Lineups looking full I thought, Pffff.... Fuck it, i'll accept their offer lets see what these lot are really like. I'm pretty quick to spot something fishy i'll keep a close eye on them, and at a minimum it'll at least be where the good games are at?

How very wrong I was. They're an extremely friendly group - From the get go i'm taking digs saying how, "Well i've been accused before, I guess I fit in lets do it where's the .exe at?" We laugh and joke it off, they seem like decent enough group, no flame lets game.

It was only a matter of rounds before you can tell that these guys are passionate about winning, what the win condition is and how to get there. They were winning rounds 2v4's, 3v3's 1v1's... you name it. And yes, even with Nieso dead.

Marre and Xinje are entirely capable players and you'd be silly to underestimate them. This wasn't some mindless mix of friends playing for fun, they had structure, a system. In some aspects more so than some of the better teams i've played with.

I'd say you could compare it on a smaller scale to Navi's CSGO team - Where typically, they are very calculated and efficient in their approach, and will use as much time in the round as required whilst leaving few gaps. Exchanging information and positioning to squeeze down the map, isolating enemies. Creating space for their star players to do star player things.

Myself, and i'm sure including many others will enjoy competitive games far more when they're being played well. This was fun, this was "good cs". Rounds were flowing, energy was flowing, any prior notions of cheating are starting to drift away from my mind. Started to understand their style and think how they can improve it even more, plus I'm far too focused in adopting my role and helping their core players succeed.

The Suspect:

niesOw - the juice meister himself. He's been manually banned by developers on the 3rd of June -

Quote Joe 'BRAMMERTRON' Brammer - "After reviewing the evidence with EAC, we have decided to ban Niesow from Battalion based on the evidence we have. We won't comment on this any further."

We won't comment on this further?.... Errr? Why? Shouldn't we be celebrating all this hard work and suffering now it's over? It kinda looks like a 'oops we fucked up lets just not talk about it any more we've got too much on our plate right now' pussy's way out If i've ever seen one?

Shouldn't we as a community deserve the details into the conclusion of the ban? I mean we've all been trying to fight him off for this long.

What was found?! You spent less than a day following the finals of the cup to permanently ban a player from your entire platform. I mean you must of found something pretty damn conclusive. We all know the replay system isn't that clean, it would have to be some seriously blatant video evidence to warrant a perma ban. Share?

I actually think it's all bullshit. A horrible nasty rumour labelled onto something that you can't explain, and it spiraled out of control. Now he's victim of a flusha esk witch hunt where there are some nasty ass bounty hunters out for blood.

And then there's the quiet ones. They're actually unsure if he's legit or not, but are too few in numbers/give a fuck to express it. So, best to keep quiet and be a sheep to fit in. Die and just flame accusations, we've all been there.

I'll go into some more detail around what I witnessed from him and his play style -

Communicates exactly what is required from team mates.
Is extremely cautious in his approach, no stone goes un-turned.
Methodical and efficient at fishing for info and openings.
Will shoot when he can guarantee a frag or deal significant damage otherwise he'll likely provide info and remain incognito until a better opportunity presents.
Has clean mechanics and movement.
Values his life in game more than any player I've seen, making him tricky to pick or catch off guard. You could also just tell, ever so slightly in his voice that every death caused him almost physical pain, like at any cost he would rectify the mistake there and then.
Has a resilient mentality. I didn't see him tilt or really get upset at anything overly than himself.
Is a very quick learner and puts in work.
Tries to angle isolate every opponent he fights, he looks for 1v1's while just hidden from others view.
Has an good understanding of high level strats and the execution of them.

I'm sorry but NONE of these traits are traits that you can simply buy. They are learnt, and some of them you're born with.
Who on earth would put in 120 hrs in rb6 if they didn't enjoy fucking up noobs and climbing ladders. Pretty sure he's done the same in every game he's played, and with the support of his family who encourage him to stream more.
Putting in this many hours in whilst cheating, just doesnt seem like a good return or cheater mentality what so ever. Cheaters tend to cut corners, take the easy way out.

His background is ET, overwatch, csgo and batters. All FPS games which require a great deal of game sense at the top level. As well as a variety of game condition considerations, maybe this contributes to his awareness?

What about the clips, and the LAN performance?

I wasn't there for the lan performance, but what I can say is - Not one person reading this has attended their first lan and dropped bombsssss, not one. You may think you have, but you probably just did average, and had a great time - You may of hit target and got out of groups.
So put yourself in his shoes, your first ever lan, a fucking major. You've been playing hours and hours to get there. You're surrounded by people who consider you an outsider, you're borderline outcasted. On top of that he was seriously ill over the event and still... AND STILL he takes CRG to 14-3. I'm pretty sure he didn't do as bad on lan as some people make out, with all that considered I think he did pretty damn well.

The clips - If we spent half the amount of resources sifting through any top players demo's as we did his there would be so many fking clips it's unreal. Absolutely none of the clips i've seen are hard evidence, people are clawing so hard in these replays for any sign of external some clips are awkward as fuck, not even close to being fishy. Actually thinking about it, I don't think one of his clips looks ANYTHING like as bad as mine from lan.

CSGO top community had the exact same problem, Ropz. Experience beyond his years, his ability to read the game and it's players, flanks that nobody could really explain. He got heavily labelled as an onliner, cheat accusations flying throughout FPL.

But they didn't just swing the ban hammer at player outrage, they didn't just Ned Stark his head because the crowd wanted it. They invited him to their office, to see on clean hardware what he is really capable of in these online games. Asked him about some of the thought process behind his plays, and guess what... shortly after being cleared a top organisation reached out to him.

We for the most part are a more experienced community, some of us maybe set a little in our ways with age. There is gonna be a new generation, new minds pushing the game. As the whole package there is no external program available to help him do what he's doing, and you can see by the demos how good he really is.

Every story needs a good villain. And it's good for the game, someone who pushes you to get better, at the same time you're pushing him. It's healthy for any competitive environment, adversity. Why not let him just be your villain?

I'm 99% sure he's legit. He just thinks differently about the game, and it's rare as fuck, but he's a natural. We can't explain it, so it's easier to just label it.

I fear we've made a huge mistake in pressuring Brammer into this action for the second time. There's no way they have cold hard evidence worthy of a ban over the course of the evening.

Is this our doing? Brammer so tilt over server problems and community outrage he just pulled the plug and said bye bye no more?

This guy has crazy potential if he's legit, and he's still young. Just like these CS pro's once did climbing the ranks. If you don't publish your explanation publicly at least have the decency to give it to him.

Let's keep fair chances for all our players, nothing fair has happened today. We've just bullied a guy into oblivion.

And It would be really, really sad if we're wrong.

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