
Druggedfox · @Druggedfox

8th Apr 2019 from TwitLonger

Pound Singles

So I haven't really been playing melee much, and certainly not seriously at that! I'm attending pound entirely for fun and to play doubles (shoutouts to my boy pengie). That said, watching a ton of sfv/learning a new game has made me really want to compete as of late, but not long term/permanently or anything like that.

So with that in mind, I plan on entering singles at pound this year. I'll probably be playing marth, and I don't particularly plan on doing well/preparing for the tournament outside of doubles. I currently don't even have a controller that I regularly use, to give you an idea of where I stand at the moment.

I'm sure many people will be excited to watch me play, and I appreciate that a ton! I hope to have some fun matches, but I implore you to not take it too seriously. This isn't a "Is druggedfox coming back?" moment, nor is it me secretly practicing my marth as a new main. I'm just entering to have some fun, and I hope everyone can respect that without placing too much emphasis on it.

Thanks for understanding, and I hope I can show you guys some cool stuff if I ever end up on stream! Feel free to find me for friendlies at the tournament and I'll be excited and happy to play everyone ^_^

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