
Nagu · @wooperfuri

17th Feb 2019 from TwitLonger

Hello again, thank you again for everyone's replies.

I planned to write this out in Japanese but as I wanted my thoughts and feelings to come across as truly as possible, I decided to write this out in English first to avoid the language barrier.

I received a lot of replies and emails regarding the matter and I want to take my time to thank everyone who took their time to reach out to me and apologize for the worry it caused.
I know I made some of you worry, but I am okay! It was just one of the first times I was faced with a situation like this so I was a bit startled, so I took a bit of time today to digest and explain my thoughts on it further.

The biggest reason I ended up removing the post was because I didn't want anyone to argue over the topic,especially about a series I sincerely love and enjoy.

To me, the Fate/Type-moon community feels like a big collaboration where people from all around the world create and share their love for the series. Even when I watch the official broadcasts, I can tell that even the staff working on FGO and related media sincerely love what they do. A lot of fan wok that I have seen share this love for the series, and it makes me happy to see how much the community will grow in the future.It inspires me to see passionate creators and I love contributing to the community as well. Out of all the time I have been drawing, this is the first time I felt drawn to and absolutely love a series.

To expand on the reason I started the outfit series, I just wanted to design every day outfits inspired by the designs of my favourite servants. At first it was just designing the clothes only, but for the finished piece I thought it would be more interesting and relatable if the servant themselves would be wearing the outfit.
The closest I can think of explaining it would be "If a cosplayer wore an outfit that was inspired by servant's designs".

As a creator myself, I understand the importance of respecting the source material. I personally love to and also find it important to learn more about the characters settings and background before drawing them. Even in this case, I thoroughly studied the settings and backgrounds of the characters as well.
However, being relatively new to the community compared to the longevity of the series and with a language barrier, I was not aware of the sensitivity of the topic and I believe it led to the current situation.
I hope you understand that it was never my intention to disrespect the source material or the characters.

It has been great fun being able to draw and share what I love with everyone, and I appreciate and respect every type of feedback I receive. I want to continue drawing what I love as it's what makes me the happiest.

That being said, If you ever see content you don't like from me in the future, I would appreciate if you unfollow/block and move on. I respect everyone's opinions, so I hope you can also respect mine as well.

Again, I apologize for any commotion I have caused, and thank you very much for taking your time to read this!

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