Premise - Armstrong vs Egil. #DEATHBATTLE

*Scene shows Egil waiting at Mayneth's shrine in Agniritha*
*Cuts to Egil looking up at Mayneth's monument*
*Scene then cuts to Armstrong walking up the ramp, smirking*

Armstrong: "Well, would y'all look at that."

*Egil half-glares in Armstrong's general direction, with a neutral expression*

Egil: "I do not care for this entity. This is the soul I am looking to replace."

Armstrong: "Did I say I gave a shit about that, either?"

*Egil fully turns to face Armstrong*

Egil: "What do you want?"

Armstrong: "Back in my own world, I spend countless hours dealing with illegal aliens... and here I am, face-to-face with a literal alien."

Egil, readying an ether shot: "How ironic that an insect like you would come to the grounds of my fallen brethren to say that".

*The Ether shot is then fired at Armstrong, a blast goes off, and the nanomachines implanted into Armstrong's body are shown in his right arm as the smoke clears, as Armstrong barely flinches*

Armstrong, chuckling and tensing his arm muscle: "Offended?"

Egil, sparing the nanomachines in Armstrong's body a curious look: "Hmph, not at all. I see that you have the strength to back up your ideals?"

*Egil then raises his hands. Yaldabouth drops from the top of the shrine*

Armstrong: "...Likewise."

*Armstong then snaps his fingers. Exelsus drops from the sky*

Armstrong: "I see you want to make this country great again? Let's see if your kind is hard enough!"

*Both enter their respective mechs*

Egil: "I doubt the blade of your people will ever cut deep enough!"


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