
Nikolai · @Figurez

12th May 2018 from TwitLonger

What really happened with Noble. The truth.

Here to clear some things up. A Lot of you are thinking we had "issues when it came to getting me a visa." That's not true at all. Here's the truth which I have documents to fully support.

H1PL was announced and I felt 100% safe, I was getting a visa as promised and everything was good. But when the time actually came Noble WOULD NOT apply for a visa. Excuse after excuse so I got in a call with them once I realized nothing was happening and H1PL was a month away and was told "We might just have to say you're coming here to "visit" and pay you under the table." They ALSO told me to get married so I wouldn't need a visa ?? Instead of applying for my p1visa petition to get things started they completely led me on for weeks/months telling me hundreds were already spent on the process. In reality they had done absolutely nothing and continued letting me think I was fine and things were being looked after. So thank you for tossing my H1 career and any chance I had at getting on another team last minute down the drain. Your org is a complete joke and i'm disgusted that I stayed loyal to it for over a year of my life.

So Pretty much to shorten it up, there were absolutely no "personal visa issues" like they wanted me to tell everyone. There was only ever 1 "visa issue" which stopped me from participating in the PL. The only issue is that my own org didn't even bother to do their part to get my P1visa started as promised.

Am I still competing in H1? Idk I can't predict the future and i'm focused on fortnite right now

With that being said i'm now a F/A

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