Fuck Skeletal Minion.

Oh boy. Where to begin. I’ve been incredibly mentally and emotionally strained the past going-on-three weeks now. I wanted so badly to talk with my friends about everything that’s ailing me but, out of respect for my friend’s privacy, I’ve kept to myself and tried to cut ties silently. But she doesn’t care about that anymore and I’ve reach the limit of bullshit that I can deal with. 

I’ve known Skeletal Minion (SM) since before I knew my own boyfriend of 7 years. Pretty much since I first played Blazblue competitively, SM and I were acquaintances/friends. Then four years ago, he hit a rough spot that would leave him homeless and he had run out of options. I talked with my boyfriend and we arranged for SM to move into our home in Atlanta so he could have a safe, rent-free place to stay until he could find a job and get back on his feet. 

Two years ago, he met his current ex-girlfriend. She had her own share of rough history but they bonded in adversity and seemed to get along really well, though my BF and I gave them a lot of space out of respect for their privacy. She and I got along immediately - we had similar experiences with abuse growing up, she had the same anxieties and self-doubts but an extremely kind heart with limitless patience for helping others. I spent a lot of time talking to her, comforting her when she had panic attacks and building up her confidence to prepare her for independence. 

Two months ago, they finally moved out. Another of my close friends - let’s call him B - hated living alone and wanted to share an apartment with roommates. I recommended the two of them as we experienced few problems due to them staying so private and mostly confined to the guest room they lived in. Everything worked out in the end. Or so I thought.

On August 21, she showed up at my doorstep at 2AM in complete hysterics. Skeletal Minion had been screaming at her, calling her stupid and useless and the worst thing that had happened to his life. Apparently, she had started babysitting the son of another one of my close friends who I tremendously respect, and SM exploded at her because she didn’t sign a contract to guarantee payment. This reasoning is bullshit in itself but it’s not relevant to the story. SM verbally abused her until she had a panic attack on the kitchen floor while B heard literally the entire thing from his room.

But that’s just the peak of the bullshit. SM had been verbally abusing and degrading her THE ENTIRE TIME THEY LIVED IN MY HOME. MY OWN. FUCKING. HOME. She never told me because she assumed I was closer with SM and I would stop being her friend. Suddenly, everything about her behavior made sense. She always went to me for her problems because SM either ignored her or made her feel like shit when she told him. She was always so quiet because SM told her that she embarrassed him whenever she spoke so she should just stop talking. This is just a fraction of what was going on. I was shocked. I’m STILL fucking shocked. I trusted SM to get his life in order, to be a positive role model for her and to not fuck over B as a roommate and he threw all of it straight back into my face. He was a narcissist and I had enabled him.

Now we want nothing more than to cut SM out of our lives with minimal drama, but holy shit is he making it impossible. He posted a public breakdown on Facebook that ended up causing multiple local FGC members to message her, telling her to just talk to him and hear his side of the story!! Just give SM some closure!!! Every time this happened, she had a panic attack and I would rush to her side to console her. He keeps sending her texts messages and emails to attempt to bring her back. More panic attacks. Friend B has observed SM literally setting up a chair at the gate to their apartment complex, hoping she’ll drive through so he can ambush her. She wishes she could get a restraining order but they require a police record of domestic violence that she doesn’t have. She’s already change her phone number but she’s still afraid to go to work because he could walk in at any time.

 I tried to keep this to myself. I tried to stop this from seeping out and splitting the remainder of people who weren’t fucked over by him. I tried to empathize with his mental problems that he needs professional help with but refuses to seek. But now I’m just pissed off. Skeletal Minion is a complete piece of shit and I wish I had listened to everyone who realized it sooner. The only silver lining I have left in all of this is that I would have never met his ex-girlfriend if I had done anything differently. I highly recommend for anyone still in contact with him to take his sympathy-bating with a mountain of salt, lest you get duped the same way I did. The only person he needs to talk to is a mental health professional.

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