
Kingsley · @kingsleyyy

5th Sep 2015 from TwitLonger

. @NicoleArbour Not only is your fat shaming video disgusting, but your blatant lack of empathy is even more disgusting. What you seem to fail to realize: not everyone watching your content is a strong-minded adult; there are impressionable tweens and teenagers all over YouTube, who can be subjected to viewing your trashy six minute attack on their appearance. And even though people have tried to politely explain this to you, you still choose to act ignorant.

You are not a fucking doctor, and I beg and plead you never enter any profession that requires brain cells or the ability to show compassion. Your stereotypical and tired ass rant was not "comedy". Fat people are NOT the only people who get heart disease. There are plenty of thin people walking around with heart disease. There are plenty of thin people walking around with diabetes. Nick Jonas is diabetic. Does he look fat to you? There is NO way to know about a person's insides based on their outsides. That is your own idiotic thought process. There's probably fat people walking around with a healthier regimen than you. You also have no FUCKING IDEA what happens in a person's life to lead them to be obese, or overweight, by your shitty ass standards.

At 1:22 in your video, you posed the question "How stupid do I look?" followed quickly by a "Don't answer that". And judging by your disabled comments and disabled ratings, it's probably because you know the answer: you look stupid. You sound stupid. You exude stupidity.

And then after your five minute tirade, you have the nerve to utter "I don't say all this to be an asshole," trying to disguise your superficial and damaging video as some sort of advocacy for health. Give me a fucking break. I pray to GOD that young people considered overweight never stumble upon your shit video and I pray that any of them who HAVE seen it are smart enough to know it's a load of shit.

Just because "it was requested" doesn't make it right. Just because "other comedians do it" doesn't make it right. But please, continue to live in your fantasy world where you are changing fat people's lives by insulting their very being and making imbecilic health assumptions; and enjoy "going viral" without the actual component of engagement, comments and ratings, disabled by yourself, because you knew you would be dragged to the pits. Embarrassing.

In the world we're living in, with enough ridiculous ass beauty standards and surgeries and crap plastered in kids' faces, your video was about as necessary as the fifth Paranormal Activity. I pray you stay in shape for the rest of your life. It would be such a pity to see your figure become what you so deeply judge.

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