
A. · @ipipie

26th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

SWJ Q&A - Jonghyun

Q1: Please recommend us a movie, drama or a song that you have been listening to recently.
A1: GONE GIRL. Watching this movie will give you goosebumps so much that you'd probably quit the thoughts of wanting to get married. (laughs)

Q2: When your friend or a loved one feels down or sad, what would you do for them?
A2: I'd probably change the topic and make him/her laugh till he/she forgets about the sadness!

Q3: Your solo was really cool! Is there something you gained during that period?
A3: Umm... I felt lonely all on my own. But it was something that could connect/relate to our 5-member activities, and it was a really good chance for me to grown as an individual.

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