[TRANS] 140127 JungHan's website update "Hello~~^^ This is JungHan"

Hello~~^^ It's Junghan
Wah its been a really long time since i greetedㅠ
The weather has turned really cold and i'm afraid i'll fall sickㅠ
I caught a cold recently, you have no idea how much i suffered.. but i'm well nowㅎㅎ
Everyone please don't catch a cold!! Or you'll suffer...ㅎ
Ah!! In a few days it'll be new year~~~~ new year new year~~
After the new years does everyone have a plan for the new year??ㅎㅎ
The family gathers together in a festival that happens once in a year~~~~~
Eat lots of delicious food,and collect lots of new year money.
Do not know if i can still take (money) since i'm twenty already。

ah!!We, Seventeen are really practising hard so please continue to wait for us~♥3♥
Everyone~~~~~~~~ please have a happpy new year~ㅎㅎ


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