We have decided in our best interest since the end of UMG Philly has arrived - that we stroll down the road of looking for a new fourth - This decision comes from attitude and the better of the teams sake, of working together and achieving success. This roster change is NOT about performance on LAN - or no performance at all - Just the difference of how well a team can focus with the same goal in each head of 4 players and how well they plan to mobilize on thought and use on the best of their ability to rather heighten their team mates experience and skill, then drown it down. We have dropped SlasheR from our Call of Duty roster - and we are looking into picking up someone whom the team is comfortable with. The captain-ship of eLevate has gone to Andy 'Strife' Dinh. - He is one of the only people who I know can fit the role to its immediate need. Thanks for all our supporters and people who believed in us from the start.

This change is only for the better, and we promise immediate results will come from it. - Don't let down. We will only be stronger, this was much needed. Thanks, SCUF, perfect Alliance, Geared4Gaming, Gamers Edge, HoneyBadger and PWNitWEAR - for powering our team.

- Tanner Trebb
Owner and Manager of eLevate Gaming.

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