[TRANS] 2013.11.25 SEVENTEEN's Message (Soonyoung&Seungkwan)

Hello this is Seventeen's full of sense MC 'BuSoon" hehehe ㅎㅎㅎ
We represent Seventeen to thank you all. (The members are watching from behind)
The concert that felt like it wasn't going to end has endedㅜoㅜ

Did everyone have fun watching?? We had fun watching you too hehe
and.... We miss all of you too ㅜㅜ
After the performance on Saturday did you all return home safely?
(Soonyoung: My answer to the coldness is a scarf^&^ euseuleuseul)

People in Busan and also foreign countries from far~~ away, thank you for coming to look for us from early in the morning, hope it was worth the time.
For people who came!! Really, thank you very very much.

We haven’t debuted yet and we’re still lacking a lot but we always thank you for looking toward us and supporting us.
In 2014, too, we will really! show a perfect image.
Until then, you will wait for us, right? Hope you won’t regret the waiting time that we will continue to work hard for you, so please support us.
So that we can repay your supports by appearing again coolly.
This has been Seventeen that's always thankful and won't forget each and every of your hearts
Thank you very much.

[Take out translations with credit to @SEVENTEENSG & pledis17 @ tumblr]

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