
Angélina · @DLoMinion

25th Oct 2013 from TwitLonger

Open Letter to the Supernatural Fandom

Hi, SPNFamily! My name is Angelina, I'm a french fangirl, administrator of a french Supernatural fansite, and I'm also a Cas!girl (you don't know but it actually sounds funny for French people)and a Team Free Will supporter. But more importantly, I'm a Supernatural fan, and I think that that makes me a member of the huge and awesome SPNFamily ! So, as a member of the family, I felt the need to get my voice heard. Why ? Because of the latest dramas that've been shacking the fandom. Because, as a member of this big (slightly dysfunctional) community, I'm deeply saddened by what I've recently witnessed.

But first, let me tell you a little about me. I've been a fan of the show since it first aired here, in France, in 2007. I watched the first two seasons on french tv, then, during season 3, I caught up with american airings. I loved the show so much, I couldn't wait for it to air in my country (that, and after discovering the real voices of Jensen and Jared, I couldn't stand the french voices anymore, but don't worry I'm doing my parts, I'm still watching on french tv and I've got all the DVDs and many more things related to the show). Until season 6, I waited for the new episode the day after it aired in the US. Then, during season 6, I started watching during east coast time (thank you, internet !). To give you an idea, when it's 09:00 pm in NY, it's 3:00 am here. So let's just say that I'm as commited as any other fans. To make it even more fun, I watch every new episode with my bestie, it's kind of our night. Anyway ! Supernatural is now in its 9th season, and I'm as in love with it as I was the first time I watched. So far, it's been a wonderful, very emotional journey, and I don't regret any second I've invested in that little show that could. I didn't always agree with what I've seen, I think that some things could had been handled better, but it never altered my enjoyment of the show. I've never been so disappointed that I'd considered to stop watching at all.

As for the fandom, I didn't met it right away. I started reading forums, fansites, in the middle of season 3 because I felt the need to share my passion with others, like me. (Not that there's no one around me who watch the show. My brothers and my sister actually do, but they're not fans). During season 4, I was engaged in the fandom, I wrote pages for the fansite that I'm now responsible of (I've been in charge, alongside my bestie, since the end of season 5), and I discussed with french fans about the episodes. I've heard about Wincest, then Destiel, but I never tried to look for it, never been interested (and I'm still not). I found it strange, I admit it, but I didn't care. Overall, my experience's been pretty awesome. I met some friends, they're now my second family. I went to conventions, I read fanfictions, I watched videos, etc... I've been engaged with the fandom as much as I've been with the show, and it's been part of the fun, and I loved it, I still do.

Of course, I heard about, disagreements, about feuds between shippers and non-shippers, but as I understood it, we were a big family, so it never lasted. And frankly, I didn't feel the need to participate, I stayed away cause, like I said, I'm not a shipper. I never saw the Destiel, or the Wincest, or any other ship in the show, because, that's not what the show is about for me. Though I understand the appeal of shipping, cause I shipped before myself, other characters, from other shows (Buffy being one of them), but since I've never been engaged in a fandom before Supernatural, I never knew about other shippers - so, I understand the appeal, but I just can't see it in Supernatural. As I see it, Supernatural is about family, and love, and in the middle of it all, there is Sam and Dean Winchester. For me, Dean and Castiel are friends. They share a profound bond, but as I see it, it's a friendship one (from my own experience I can say that friendship bounds can be as deep, meaningful and strong as romantic ones), but also a friendship on a spiritual level... It can be strange sometimes, considering the very nature of Castiel, but I've never been able to imagine those two as a couple. It's just not for me. As for Dean & Sam, well, they're brothers, enough said. Despite the fact that I don't share the appeal, I don't mind that others do, and feel the need to ship those characters. Every form of art is open to very different interpretations, considering we're all have different lives, different experiences, then, we're not gonna feel the same way in front of something we hear, we see, we read. Art is subjective, based on pure emotions. So, people want to make Dean and Cas' as boyfriends in their fics ? Right, so be it ! I'm not interested, but I get it.

I've been engaged long enough in the fandom to remember all the wonderful things that we accomplished together, despite our disagreements and our differences. See Random Acts, GISHWHES, a whole bunch of charities, the PCAs, the TV Guide Cover, and so on. Haters had been dealt with, and feuds ended as fast as they started. And even in a middle of an argument, if we had to get united to defend our show and our SPNFamily, we were there. We got each others back. That included our cast and our crew. For years, it felt like this, and it was awesome.

Unfortunately, lately, I've got a whole new different vibe. And a very upsetting one. It's been a few times already that some fans have been harassing and bullying other fans, and even members of the cast and the crew, on Twitter especially It's just not simple arguments anymore. It's pure and straight hatred messages, and it's unacceptable. Shippers, non-shippers, everyone screams as loud as the opponent, and noboby's listening the dissonent voices who try to make it stop. It gives the impression that we can't debate with each others without insulting, bullying and other despicable things I won't mention. Well, let me say this... I don't share the appeal, but I debated the subject of ships with shippers, destiel fans especially. It's always been done with respect for one another. I had great discussions about it all. So, it's possible to discuss without harming anyone's feelings. Because, it's not just some destiel fans who never asked for this who suffer anymore, it's the whole damned fandom that's getting sick. The fandom is shattering, and that makes me so freaking sad and angry.

We've always been able to deal with our fandom problems. But it's getting more and more violent, more and more intense and out of control, even so that the writers themselves have to deal with the crazies on a daily basies (don't get me wrong, I'm only calling "crazies" the ones who create the problem). And it's sick, this whole situation has to stop ! It's on us, fans, to make it stop.

So maybe we can start by realizing how lucky we are, to share something so special, not only between fans, but also between fans & TPTB. We are lucky to be able to discuss with actors, and producers and writers, about the show, to have our voices heard, to be listened to.

And sure, we have made a lot of things to keep the show on air, to give it its shining moments under the spotlight. Sure, we don't have to agree with every step the show takes, we also have the right to say it to TPTB, since they listen, as long as it's done respectfully. But we're just fans ! It's not on us to decide what's canon, what's not. It's not on us to tell how to write the show to the writers. And we don't know where the show is going, we just have to enjoy the ride. TPTB are the ones who owns the key to the bunker of SPN, so we may be invited to enter and assist, but we're not the owners of the place, they are. We're certainly not entitled to tell them what should happen at one moment and what shouldn't. Again, we're just this : fans. Rabid, passionate, dedicated, but we're not the producers, we're not the writers, and we're not the actors. It's on them all to decide what happens on the show, not on us. And we should be thankful, because we can't agree on one vision common to the whole fandom. We all have our own interpretations of the show, and that's great. But we got to remember that the only vision we will see, is the one imagined by the people who work their asses off to make the magic happens. For every single thing we disagree with, well, we can write our own versions, right ? So, it's okay, in the end.

Now, I'm not saying, don't take this seriously. Whatever's important to you, specific ships, specific characters, storylines and whatnot, it's important and I get it. It is for me too. I love Sam and Dean, and I get upset everytime they fight, and I love Cas' and I got upset after episode 9.03. And I cried multiple times, and I've been angry, and I laughed, and smiled, and squeed,... I get it !

But I'm saying this : don't take this TOO seriously. Because, as much as we may love it, in the end of the day, it's still fiction. So what, your ship isn't canon (yet) ? Maybe it will, maybe it won't happen. Whatever. Since the show won't end anytime soon (at least I hope so), keep writing what you want to see, until it eventually happens in the actual show, and enjoy the wild ride we're in. Because one day, it will be over. But if it gets too hurtful, if you can't enjoy it anymore, then stop watching. I know, it's not that simple, but you're the only one who makes it difficult for you, in the end. It's just like a relationship... If the only thing that's left is hurt, then it's time to move on, for everyone's sake. Because right now, everyone suffers. Including some of our cast & crew. And nobody deserves it. Plus, there's so much to be upset for around us ! Just look ! So much battle waiting to be fought ! So much more important things to get angry at !

So let's stop hating on each others, and on TPTB, ok ? Let's stop the pushy agendas too, while we're at it. If it has to happen, it will. But if not, you can write it in your own way. Cause if we don't stop this now, we may lose something unique, something special, something we'll deeply regret when it's gone. We're a wonderful bunch, we can do better than that. We proved it before, let's do it again !

As for me, I know I'm gonna stick with Supernatural until the very last minute, even beyond. Nothing will make me love my show less. I know my enjoyment is safe. I'm sorry for those of you who can't say the same anymore. But don't hurt others in the process, and stop hurting yourself. So yes, I will love Supernatural 'til the end. I wish I could say the same thing about the fandom. I still love you, you little buddy, but I want to enjoy your company until the end, and beyond, especially since one day, our show will end (I know, I don't wanna think about it either) and all that we'll have left is us. So let's make it worth it !

I know, this letter won't probably change anything at all. I don't pretend to. But I needed to say something. I'm just a fan, just like you, and as fan, I don't want to watch it all go to crap. Because we deserve better, our creative team in LA and Vancouver deserves better, our show deserves better.

Let's remember one last thing. We all have something in common. It's our passion for a tv show called Supernatural. You know, that little show that could, which brought us all together ? Yeah, that one. We're all fans, and that's all that matters. We better not forget it.

With much love....

NB : Please, pardon the faults, errors, whatever... English is not my native language, so I tried to do my best to make it all understandable. I hope I succeeded. I know it's long, but I thank the ones who will give it some time. I don't expect it to change anything, again, that would be preposterous, but it means a lot that it could at least, be shared. Thank you, for your attention, really appreciate it.

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