Farewell, my paradise

As of today, I am no longer the Oasis Gaming VALORANT team's Coach. While Oasis did offer me a chance to re-sign with them, I chose to decline the offer and have decided to use this offseason for my own personal endeavors.

I'm thankful to have met, bonded, grew alongside with, and learned from the amazing people I got to work with every day throughout my 7 months in the org.

For those wondering, I AM considering retirement BUT it's not fully set on it yet (about 80-20 right now). I'm still very much in love with and enthralled by VALORANT, I still have (at least imo) one of the best views and outlooks on the game -- I just don't have the energy for it right now.

All I have on my mind right now is to just catch up with some friends, grind my hardest to achieve personal goals, pick up new hobbies, and spend some more time to myself to reflect on what an eventful year it was so far.

The future of VALORANT PH is bright. It's thriving with eager and hungry players who are willing to prove themselves that they have what it takes to be at the top and stay there. It's been an exciting adventure to have been part of its building blocks.

To the first players I ever handled as an Analyst:
Ian (Worship), Cyle (beats), Zack (Brainfreeze), Rip (Ripper), Gado (Gadoerzz), and Porky (YoungPork); thank you for always putting up with my sometimes obnoxious requests. I'm glad to see you all still succeeding and thriving within the scene. It makes me happy to know that you all still remember everything we talked about and discussed.

To the people who showed me what it took to be a coach, Eco (Ecoshima) and Lars (AxelLars), thank you for being great role models to learn from and be taught by. It was a pleasure to have seen you guys working and learn from it.

To the first set of players I handled as a Coach:
Kurt (Kurtesy), Co (Coco), and Mark (Marky); thank you for making my dreams come true. You have brought my visions of VALORANT gameplay to life and every day you guys continue to impress me. I can't wait to see how the team will look like moving forward.

To the last set of players that I handled:
Jiggs (Invy) and Trix (Tr1X); I know it might be short, but I enjoyed the time I spent seeing both of you grow not just inside VALORANT but outside in life as well.

To Genzo, thanks for being the best bootcamp monitor/house manager/coffee giver/etc. ever! You made living in the bootcamp so much more comfortable for everyone.

To boss Arra, thank you for giving someone like me, a person with zero experience and seemingly no qualifications, the chance to prove myself. In my initial interview with Oasis, I told you I wanted to be an Analyst because I wanted to see beautiful VALORANT being played. I hope throughout the 7 months I spent in the team, I got to show you some amazing VALORANT.

To the Oasis Gaming Content Creators and their community, thanks for always being fun, supportive, and chill. I've dropped by on almost all streamers' streams (I'm saying almost even though I feel like I've dropped by on all of them but just in case I missed some people) and I've had a fun time on all of them. Whether it's funny memes, chat/twitter interactions, or being there to support our games -- you guys were awesome!

To Fancy United's Meiko, 47Gaming's Nethan, (former) VOINxDRIP's HosH + Folklore, thank you for being amazing scrim partners. You guys were the only ones to ever consistently ask to scrim with us, even back when we were struggling as a team. To coaches Malix (CES) and meow (BME), thank you for being our teams' first "big breaks" into scrimming top t1 teams across SEA.

Lastly, to the fans who have supported me, the players, and the org thus far, thanks for continuously believing in the magic. I am forever thankful for all your support.

I have no idea what I'll be doing in the next few months. TFT grind back to Challenger? VALORANT grind to Radiant? VOD reviews? Podcasts? A few posts about "common" things that players need to know at higher elo that they don't? Axie grind to top 100? Fuck it should I just start up a rock band?

No matter what it is, I hope that you'll continue to support me and the team in the same ways as you have so far.

I'll be seeing all of you around.

Coach Maark
Former @OasisGaming_GG
Forever #OasisSinceDay1

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