
amai ❤︎ · @barkbur

25th Oct 2021 from TwitLonger

anon’s experience with jikishii

i wasn’t gonna come out about this seeing how people got attacked last time someone said something, but now That someone explained their experience and got support ig here it goes.

i knew him before discord but that was where we got familiar. i Dleletd the our dms out of disgust over the fact that i even engaged with him, so i don’t have screenshots, but i’ll try my best to explain.

this happened in 2k18, i was around 12/13 yrs. we started out as a normal friendship, but after a month he started getting weird and suggestive. in voice calls, he would joke around about sending him nudes and asking sexual questions. when i said no, he’d argue about it and hang up, and i’d have to beg him to join the call again. i don’t know why i continued with him. i was uncomfortable, and i knew how wrong it was at the time. he was one of the only close friends i had. my irl friends would tell me it was wrong, but i ignored them because no one had ever talked to me like he did. i didn’t know that was what grooming was. i still get sick to my stomach when i think of the fact that i entertained him in the first place. this is kind of short because i’m not doing really well at the moment processing the fact that i’m even typing this, but i’m truly sorry to the other victims and i hope he gets what he deserves for this.

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