I am dissapointed, and I am done.

I didn’t think I would ever be doing this but here we are. First I’d like to start by saying that my experience is so minuscule compared to the stories and things I have seen Arcadum has done to close friends. It’s still something I experienced and I want to shed some light on it.

Arcadum was my friend, someone I looked up to because I saw how hard he worked on his community and his D&D campaign. He was someone who I admired as a streamer and had been so proud of his success. That being said, it was around June of 2020, and We started hanging out more in VRCHAT. He seemed like he wanted someone to hang out with and someone to talk to. All of our DMs gave no indication of anything weird, just two friends chatting and saying I am here for him if he needs anyone.

We were already friends well before this and I was single at the time. I thought nothing of it then just friends hanging out. It was nice we were hanging out a lot more. I was happy to hang out with him as my friend. He was telling me things were stressful and asked me to hope in VR or he’s inviting me to a world. Again, nothing strange or weird.


Then he started to want me to dance for him, privately. I dance a lot in VRCHAT, and my dances were lap dances because I used to dance for VRCHAT clubs. I remember a night when It was me, him and another friend (who I later found out he was also trying to get her to do stuff with him) in a movie world. We were enjoying the movie, nothing weird and he started to gesture at me to come outside of the watching room and asked me to dance for him. He said he really liked my dancing and wanted to see. Why during a movie with a friend he wanted to do this is beyond me, but I did it. I danced for him and just went back to the movie like it was completely normal despite repeating in my head “That was weird..that was really weird.”

On July 1, 2020 he asked to get into a call with me. He started the call asking how I was doing and then went into how he found me very attractive, that things with his Girlfriend were not good. That he wasn’t getting any affection or felt attractive and really wanted me to ERP(Erotic-Ropleplay) with him in VRCHAT. I had just gotten out of a relationship a few months ago and I was not comfortable at all nor was I attracted to him in the slightest. I told him I am so sorry that is happening to you, maybe try talking to her or going to couples therapy, he said she wouldn’t do that. He also said he’s separated from her and was planning to leave her, but was still looking for someone to help him with his sexual release. I was baffled and shocked to say the least. I told him I am flattered, but I am not comfortable with that because I could get attached. This wasn’t the truth, I didn’t wanna say I don’t find you attractive to someone who’s my friend and runs the RP that I am in. He continued to push in this call to get me to agree with it until I put my foot down.


left that call confused and feeling guilty that I hurt my friend's feelings for not WANTING to be sexual with him. After that he would DM me asking if I made him uncomfortable or if he pressured me, and despite everything inside, deep down going yes, I told him no. I told him I would have told him that, but I didn’t. I was honestly scared of making things awkward or getting kicked out of RP or him just not being my friend anymore. I felt sympathy because he seemed so lonely and unwanted and unloved. After that we just stopped hanging out, we talked in passing if he was around with other friends. I would DM him every now and then going “I love you friend, I am here for you friend.” Because I thought he was genuinely my friend, I spoke so highly of him. I thought it was because he was a busy man, he was running a shit ton of D&D campaigns and it made sense.

My proof that this is him

I have no recordings like some people do, and I wished I did. All I have is me telling you my experience, and I suggest people start lining up the dates of all the other women who he had had similar conversations with him. This man needs help, and I want him to get better and do better. I am disappointed, upset, and hurt. I don’t want sympathy messages, just the hope that my words have merit. In support of all of the women, who he has hurt so much, some being my close friends, I wanted to share my experience. I said mine was minuscule in comparison, but I wanted to show he has a pattern of predatory behavior to MULTIPLE women.

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