A quick update about our sitation

Moin Meisters! As you might know, we parted ways with our former coach MaGiCzZz a few days ago. We won't go into detail, cause we prefer to keep most things private. But we will give you a quick update of what happened.

After we parted ways with MaGiCzZz he changed the twitter logins of our team account, deleted all tweets, blocked everyone and changed the name to "Statement coming soon". We don't know if there will ever be a statement, but if so, we will publish ours too, where we will go into detail.
For those who are wondering how he was able to change the logins: He was the one who created the account. He didn't do anything on it, he was just the creator and even after the account got verified he claimed it as HIS account.
We're still trying to solve everything in private, since we don't want anything bad for MaGiCzZz.

And because we don't know if we'll get our original account back anytime soon, we created a new one! So if you're an Amigo, follow us on this account to keep in touch with us and don't miss any banger tweets of course!

Much love from the team <3

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