Jesper Wecksell · @JW1

17th May 2021 from TwitLonger

An Update

I want to start with saying Sorry to the real ones out there, the ones who have supported me and the team through good and bad.
You guys deserve so much better than what I have showed individually these past months, and what we have showed as a team these past months.

I just want to make it clear that no one in the team is happy with the past results and everybody have worked their asses off, inside and outside the server.
These past tournaments have been incredibly tough for me on the mental side and i have really tried to work on it and continue to work on it, but the brain is a complex thing, most of the times things doesnt make sense on that part.

Im not trying to deny the fact that i have heavily underperformed, i really have, and that is on me and no one else.
I have always done everything in my power these last 8 years (except for those few months you know...) to put fnatic in the top, and I will continue to do so.
What exactly that means for me individually in the future, that we will see.

Right now our foucs is set on IEM Summer, sadly the last tournament for this season for us. Since we failed to reach Cologne due to poor results through out the year.

We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.

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