#KickVic AND #IStandWithVic need to read this

So it's time to finally get this rolling. I've put it off for long enough in distraction over other things, but this covers multiple subjects, not just the Vic Mignogna mess, that have plenty of gravitas when it comes to the underlying problems in the system. I certainly will not speak one word of this lightly aside from maybe some snark, and I will get into why that is absolutely the case, and it all comes back to the most relevant cause of that: I officially condemn the general membership of both KickVic AND IStandWithVic, declaring them both to be myopic on their own general counts.

I will at least deconstruct KickVic first because they're the worse of the two evils with their hypocrisy and general tyranny, and also to punctuate that no, I will not "believe all women" or be alt-left or whatever extremist accusation gets thrown in my direction when will I tear at IStandWithVic. I get dragged into this "culture war" as some guy named ClownFishTV called it when I have to put up with the likes of Light Lucario of Animesuperhero deleting my posts because she wanted to be volatile. If you need details, I already talked about them on these 3 videos:
The summary with Light Lucario is that she went too far and deleted a length post of mine calling out chauvinism that FUNimation themselves added into Dragon Ball Super's dub, because FUNimation was telling the kids to learn to throw lines like "come my ladies, let me steal you away" at girls thinking any girls with sense would fall for that. Light Lucario censored THAT and did not care to talk personally with me on Discord about it; if politics would have been that much of a problem, I could always have put in spoiler tagging. Outright impersonal deletion is simply a moderator's power trip and that was the case here.

Light Lucario becomes even more infuriating in light of some other aspects, but I will return to deconstructing her when I get other points out of the way. So after having been driven out of the Animesuperhero community by Light Lucario's tyranny, I have been taking note on the criticisms that IStandWithVic have levied against Vic Mignogna's accusers, and in the midst of this, I have even noticed that Jamie Marchi EVADED COURT SUMMONS FIVE TIMES, EVEN MOCKING THEM ON TWITTER. So at least there that's vindication right there because surely no judge would be stupid enough to follow bias against the opposition of somebody who hides from the law in the midst of getting sued for defamation; that would require them to think that somebody who runs from legal authority has nothing to hide. This is in a mess where Sean Schemmel, the dub VA for Son Goku, had faked SWATting attempts, so it's bad enough to warrant roasting Vic Mignogna's opposition over the coals. Not even helping FUNimation's case is that Chuck Huber also testified against FUNimation, and even if he's also tearing at Vic Mignogna, if he's caring about due process, more power to the guy who did the voice of Android 17 and all that implies, thank the All King duo for that.

So come September 6, 2019 and we get the court session where the presiding judge, John Chupp, decided to throw out relevant evidence without caring to hear of it, and even more damningly in case you couldn't tell from my earlier snark, dismiss Jamie Marchi right away. There is no excuse: if Jamie Marchi mocks the law, she has something to hide that would get her in legal hot water, and if she doesn't, then WHY try to destroy the evidence of court summons attempts and brag about it on Twitter with claims of being a "ninja"? Any judge with sense would have looked at Jamie Marchi with enough wariness of Jamie Marchi's story to make sure she would be tried on that alone, yet Judge Chupp did anything but. Add to it that Judge Chupp claimed that he wanted to get the Anime Community "healed" and then just did nothing but have the rest of the charges Vic Mignogna brought against the KickVic side "dismissed with prejudice" early into the next month, and you see how he's nothing but an indolent liar.

The claim that I was somehow threatening Judge Chupp with death is farcical too. My sarcasm was pointing out that Judge Chupp did not do his job properly in the least; there was NO threat to try to kill him in the least, only a point that he'd pull the same laziness to let a murderer escape justice by declaring irrefutable evidence invalid like he did here. Equally nonsensical is the accusations of "harassment" of a figure in an active role. Newsflash, idiots: that is supporting the rich by saying they are immune to criticism. THEY ARE NOT IMMUNE TO CRITICISM. THAT LOGIC THAT THEY ARE IS WHAT INVITED THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE WINTER STORM THAT HIT TEXAS TO BE AS BAD AS THEY ARE. AND THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO CLAIM THAT I SUPPORT THE RICH? NO! JUST.....NO!

That brings me to the mentality of the general KickVic base. These are people who only care to slander Vic Mignogna at every turn and even sabotage his appearances at conventions, on unproven accusations that by all accounts can reasonably be deemed false. Oh, but the only thing that matters to them is how Vic Mignogna "lost 0-17" because of the ruling of ONE person. Courts have these people called juries and I would imagine they would have been involved, but no, Texas wants to let Judge Chupp arbitrarily throw out an entire case in willful ignorance of the consequences, even when we had a game called Ace Attorney Apollo Justice, by the way involving a protagonist whose primary color is RED, going right into going from interesting puzzles like the poker chip management, to being a propaganda piece of a game focusing on showing the appeal of juries. Say what you will about how the execution is asinine as a result, because I certainly will over the game penalizing me for pointing out about the magician's secret business on the "wrong" statement, but can ANYBODY deny how claiming Judge Chupp's absolutely rushed calls were "right" is every bit as inane as accusing a kid of committing homicide by a pistol that causes painful recoil to the user even when they're a grown adult when the kid had NO injuries to begin with? KickVic doesn't care; they'll even make a deal with a devil, a devil named Texas, which had stolen land from Native Americans and pulled all the loads that I called out here:
Of course, KickVic STILL keeps saying Texas is right to have destroyed Vic Mignogna because of a ruling by the justice system, the same justice system that acquitted Donald J. Trump of high crimes that he decisively aided and abetted by inaction at the very least and gross incompetence at the very best. KickVic is, in effect, praising the same justice system that has repeatedly helped Donald J. Trump over the last 4 years. There is NO denying this, yet people like LightySnake of vanilla TV Tropes will call ANYBODY who calls them on THEIR hypocrisy a "redcap" even against evidence to the contrary while holding to double standards from vanilla TV Tropes that would need its own commentary.

This brings me back to Light Lucario of Animesuperhero, because I want to tear at this particular comment she made in response to the September 6 "trial":
"I don't even feel bad for the people who donated to the GFM for Vic either. There might have been some people who genuinely wanted to help him because they thought he was a really nice person, but I think it's been mainly the alt-right crowd who want to hate on women or complain about the #MeToo movement, or at least those are the Vic supporters that stand out the most."
And THAT show of her myopia, that she doesn't care who she pissed off in her tyrannical enforcement of HER extremist viewpoint that I had called out, is EXACTLY the sort of reason why I donated $506 to the GFM to begin with and even if it wasn't, I'm definitely going to lose the buyer's remorse I would otherwise have in providing money to a known troll nest member. Listen to me, Light Lucario: you are NOT the victim any more than Roger Retinz from Spirit of Justice was when he claimed as much. You have been a drunk moderator who can't take criticism, the same as KickVic and people like Kristoph Gavin Newsom.

You, Light Lucario, even claim on repeat occasion that you have autism. Funny thing, I think I recall the government diagnosing me with the same thing leading me to have been brought by my mom to this place:
I didn't say anything long ago because I've been knowing how society works, how society will find any excuse for hate, the same sort of excuse making by them that had me file this complaint video when my mom it turns out had been dying:
You might notice, by the way, proof that I would have counted my blessings if my mom had survived the lung disease causing the stroke that prompted the video to begin with, and at least then we could have talked about things and organize better because good GOD were things already stupid THEN, and at least SHE cared enough so that wouldn't have been a problem. Digressing aside, I was regardless never interested in using mental disability as an excuse for arrogance when I'm TOO MUCH of an individual for that. Drop the excuse making, Light Lucario, or you will have earned my deconstruction of you that I made at the end of my points about that disabilities daycare center here:
Timestamp for what I talk about with the center as well. Oh, and funny touches: I actually call out about one client flipping over a table without consideration of where his "not"-girlfriend was, and ANOTHER calling the local Genki Girl an idiot behind her back. So stop saying I "hate on women."

Oh, and by the way, before you're going to make claims that I could be in violation of the law with the comments to the disabilities daycare center, that would require me to have been arrested at this point, quite a bit after showing the comments to a clinic the government representative redirected me to in the midst of a 24 page Google document of evidence and testimony calling out loads from my landlord (an ACLU member by the way) and multiple other parties including the sisters of mine for being obstructive in trying to get my parents' house fixed--for reference, my parents' house has been a God awful mess my entire life even before the maggot filled toilet came into play some 25 years back and it still stands to this day as a potential arson target in a state already plagued with wildfire issues. I haven't even been fined for my comments, only having reps of the clinic check up on me in interest of making sure my well-being is in good shape. I also recently told Absolute ILS about my comments on the center's FB considering their association with the place and I see no sign of objections. Even if I were to get arrested, if I've been able to say nothing about the disability daycare center for years with nobody online I certainly didn't want knowing suspecting a thing, what makes you think I couldn't have enough aces up my sleeve to mount a defense? I will certainly not only bring up my parents' house, but also about a guy in Hayward who made a mistake with too much risk of opening him to nasty attack by a scumbag, who went off on me for caring to keep him from being punished for his taunting of the trolls shortly before, saying it would have been okay if some troll just hunted him down. Said guy, it should be noted, had mentioned being put on probation under charges of stalking, and mentioned on a (now privatized or deleted) video that his viewpoint is to treat the woman in one's life like a goddess (idealistic IMO) and that he is into the damsel in distress stories of old (which would be old-fashioned, of course), so if he got hunted down, well, I already saw what had happened to one Matthew Pyke of England, and when gaming communities can enact a We Have Reserves attitude to bolster their ability to mock HIM for trusting a guy in Germany, you know how I become frustrated that I can't tell him how he was still right to have made a stance against the likes of an arbitrary downvoting brigade, because I can't prove to him that it IS worth it. You will NOT be able to keep me from deconstructing the environment of fear that people like you, Light Lucario, have created.

Of course, after all these points, KickVic might still claim that I'm "a Vic simp" because that's not inane, not genuinely caring about due process.
I made that video a bit shortly back to call out vanilla TV Tropes for not properly handling scrutiny of RoahmMythril, who it should be noted I already harbor PLENTY of outrage against after he endangered my efforts to get my parents' house fixed up so badly that the quarantine was the only reason my parents' house did not get turned to ashes, with my dad's ashes still lost inside, by some heinous troll attack. Further worth noting, by the way, is how little RoahmMythril cares about the winter storm beyond how it affects HIM, whereas Twitter has plenty of people, including myself, who are up in arms asking Texas how THEY like the same things they were happy to see California get. This doesn't change that I'm calling out the claim that I would be accusing RoahmMythril of speedrun cheating, when I'm pointing out how he has simply HORRIBLY regressed from the guy who made the commentary at the start of his Napalm Man Perfect Run. Here's the simple fact: due process is to clear up confusion, NOT to create convenient narratives.

Perhaps KickVic should actually learn that I would sign the petition to recall Kristoph Gavin Newsom because of the brand of elitism explaining my intentional misnaming of the guy when Kristoph Gavin Newsom shows that the government can't be trusted where it stands, and that California itself needs a reformation process, NOT because I "hate on women" as Light Lucario would claim, which would require me to not try to address a case of Break The Cutie, one that I myself acknowledge could have been faked no less, while breaking pragmatism in the process. Light Lucario's claim is the EXACT sort of statement from exploitive garbage who I can certainly see would only care to use and discard me. People like Light Lucario never consider when I would want love and admiration. They never care that I wouldn't want to see them scared, even when it would just happen. They never take a look that I made my damn stance against the likes of the authors of the Cross Assault incident. They never try to realize that their paranoia is their own faithless choice. They only care about having their confirmation bias, even when they would have rape fantasies about people like Mangs from the Fire Emblem community. There is simply NO other explanation for WHY they would think better of people who would use insults like "incel dot com" thinking that couldn't possibly encourage us guys to treat gals like trophies.

People like Light Lucario want to claim that this is about some war of the genders. THIS IS ABOUT THEIR SELFISHNESS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, NO MATTER WHAT THEY TRY TO CALL IT. KickVic proves as much when they do EXTREMELY predictable exploitation of an otherwise legitimate cause and don't aid actual victims, only caring about CONDEMNING WHOEVER THEY WANT FOR ARBITRARY REASONS. That has led them to make a deal with the devil called Texas by supporting Judge Chupp's bogus rulings during Trump's general rule. I hope they like how Donald J. Trump the disgrace to my dad's name got acquitted by the same system that they advocated, far more than I did.

So finally getting onto IStandWithVic because they don't deserve to be let off the hook either, just that KickVic is FAR more exasperating in THEIR bull. I will point out that the user FurbySquawk had arbitrarily blocked me without explanation. It goes to show that IStandWithVic is at best STILL involving its share of Bitches In Sheep's Clothing. But even without the direct slights toward me, I STILL denounce them for their general arbitrary hate toward ALL Democrats, not just the extremists like Light Lucario. IStandWithVic is STILL just as selfish, and it shows when they would shout their support of idiocy like the insurrection.

Let me make something abundantly clear: when the insurrection mess was happening, I was in the middle of an attempted rent strike against my landlord for going as far as to claim I was doing nothing to help do anything about my parents' house, something that politics has, I POINT OUT AGAIN, managed to keep getting in the damn way of doing, this after my prior continued payment of rent during the moratorium in the crisis. The insurrection was an absolute game changer, because just the presence of a gunshot at a central facility where due process is supposed to be handled is shocking enough, never mind that it hit a woman, never mind that the woman died. Oh, and by the way, it should be noted that the woman, who of course was one of the rioters, was from California, a freaking BLUE state. One more mark against KickVic. But even if I wasn't shocked, this event still wants me on the wrong side of history.

See, that's the problem with KickVic: that their throwing about condemnation for its own sake forced me to wing it with the likes of nasty characters like Charle Waldie. All because THEY wanted to pull some overcontrolling garbage that doesn't even make sense and call THAT "democratic" which it's anything but. Charle Waldie deserves to be deconstructed for screaming how the insurrection should have been happening, and I have to take KickVic's claim that I could possibly support it because Charle Waldie also called out Judge Chupp for his corruption like I did and getting doxxed for it; or that I could be a "rat fleeing a sinking ship" even when this exists:

While I'm on the subject of Tweets of mine before the insurrection mess, I may as well point to this TL about RoahmMythril that I tried showing to FurbySquawk:
And FurbySquawk's response? To "thank" me and then block me without explanation. I call out as much here:

If this is the extent of sanity to expect from IStandWithVic, then I'm not impressed. But what do I expect. Nick Rekieta is a troll nest site member and so are quite a few members of IStandWithVic, while SGSami simply jumped ship out of apathy because all he cared about was sensationalism. I tried calling out Light Lucario for her bogus hitbox and people just didn't listen, the most I could manage to usefulness being a passing mention on the KickVic list that deviantArt deleted outside the archiving that somebody else did, and when I celebrated the mention happening in response to my efforts having not been a complete waste, the ISWV member involved just told me to shut up. It's just astounding how much indifference comes from IStandWithVic, really.

Really, that's another thing: IStandWithVic only cares about their entertainment, similar to the RoahmMythril sycophants. This is on top of how they will bash people just for caring about the issues, even when those people will at least care that Japan after things like World War 2 is in a rut that causes it to be isolationist in the first place. Not all anti-Trump people are going to be Light Lucario. And honestly, I was wanting to write up this general TL even before the impeachment verdict was handed down, even if the verdict does help show how busted the system is to EVERYBODY that it would acquit both Donald J. Trump AND Jamie Marchi despite the abundantly clear guilt of BOTH of them.

I can't even hold Vic Mignogna in good faith either, not when he jokes about how the virus gets beaten by becoming a Super Saiyan. Even if he's still wearing a mask during signings, it doesn't change that the virus has caused too many problems. I am saying as much when the quarantine and the government's response to the virus in general has done FAR more to help with my parents' house than RoahmMythril and his clique have by actually getting the scumbags under control. The virus has STILL taken lives and basically saying "git gud" about it isn't cool. If you're wondering what the hell I had provided the GFM $506 for, I mentioned before that the only reason I don't have buyer's remorse about providing the GFM $506 is because KickVic is STILL consisting of tyrants and hypocrites, ones who have tried to turn me into their puppet, and if not for that happening in their failure to consider due process, I would have been at least far more hesitant about even providing even one cent to the money supply of a troll nest site member. As is, I'm still holding to my signature to recall Kristoph Gavin Newsom for the same reason: the procedure needs to happen at all to provide a much needed alarm clock. That does NOT mean that I would want a Trump loyalist in California getting enabled, and with the GFM, I can STILL protest the actions of a movement that KickVic forced me to wing it with.

Really, at this point, IStandWithVic could very well denounce me for roasting them over the coals here. What would that accomplish? That they are no more capable of taking criticism than KickVic is? Because I had put up with them when I suffered against that bull from KickVic. If they can't take criticism, it will only go to show how they only want echo chambers, and in that case, I would rather not put up with nasty characters who will call whoever they want "leftist" or "SJW" which just screams that they will be every bit as selective, every bit as tribalist as KickVic and its trash like that stereotype B_Rabbit843. That sort of degenerate trash belonged in the God awful year known as 2020 and if IStandWithVic is going to want me to be uncaring, they're not going to be worth the trouble.

I've been used to fighting this broken world all by myself, something a character named Shirley Fenette recognized with Lelouch Vi Britannia having to handle and by the way, MY GOSH does everything involving that scene ever get at my heartstrings. I'd rather deal with BOTH sides ostracizing me than waste one more second humoring either side of this farcical case of Evil VS Evil. Even if they had their own dreams, their own persons, they still pooped on me enough. I had my own dreams. I'm my own person. And I wanted love and admiration. But none of that is worth supporting ANYBODY in this sorry conflict who doesn't prove themselves sane enough. I'll even bet that the people will respond that I just regard EVERYBODY as an enemy. Yeah, want to know a character who said that brand of bile? Dorothy Catalonia in Gundam Wing, referencing the Gundams well after they were betrayed by home far away. The fact is that this is all YOUR mess, people. The only thing I'm doing is calling things how it is. You can't even scapegoat me when you didn't let me have a voice in the first place. So clean up this mess!

If as I can guess this won't change ANYBODY'S minds, at least I can be sticking by my beliefs, and if girls also want to say I'm both too much of a jerk and not brave somehow simultaneously, I tell them this: PICK ONE. No, better yet, provide a God damned happy medium and make it consistent instead of giving people like Mangs a free pass. Either way, I never wanted this war, especially not when it allows for NOTHING that is productive, but it's been shoved down my throat for practically no reason, and this war is not going to end either where things stand because both sides of the Vic Mignogna controversy will keep throwing about hate and vitriol well beyond anything reasonable. It goes to show when the winter storm that had hit Texas is overstaying its welcome in terms of issuing karma to Texas's unrepentant colonialists by allowing apartment fires in a situation where any water for firefighting is frozen over, and people will STILL look for cheap excuses be nasty to each other.

I will be intimidated by the tyrants of KickVic, the warmongers of IStandWithVic, and the confirmation bias seeking, myopic hypocrisy that BOTH of them involve no longer.

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