9th Nov 2020 from TwitLonger

200ms Endings/엔딩

I hate everything about Overwatch Twitter, so I will keep this short.

As the 2020 NA Contenders Season run comes to an end today, I would like to thank everyone who supported 200ms from start to finish. What started as a team experiment with MuZe, the idea of bringing over KR players to play in NA for their first time, turned into a wholesome experience for me. It was amazing getting to know and interact with all of the players and staff on 200ms. I will miss everyone on the team, and I will regret not studying Korean everyday to try and talk more with the players ): All players and staff on 200ms will be looking for new opportunities and I hope many teams will acknowledge the dedication/hardwork these players have as everyone had to get up at 5am to scrim during NA times. Thank you for your hardwork and commitment.

One last message to MuZe, Congrats on LA GLADIATORS!!! You are an English noob and you will need to learn more, before next season. I will not be there to help you with interviews...

2020 북미 컨텐시즌을 마치며 200ms를 처음부터 끝까지 응원해주신 모든 팬분들께 감사드립니다. 뮤즈와 함께 6인 한국로스터로 북미 컨텐을 뛰면 어떨까라는 발상으로 시작한 팀이 저에게는 정말로 잊을수 없는 경험이었습니다. 200ms에있던 모든 선수들과 스태프들을 알아가고 만남또한 너무나 소중한 시간들이었기에 팀 전체가 그리울것 같네요.. 너무나 좋은 팀이었기에 매일같이 한국어 공부를 해서 팀과 더 많은 대화를 하기로 했던 다짐을 지키지 못한 제가 후회되네요. 오늘부로 200ms 선수분들과 스태프분들 모두 LFT상태 입니다. 저희팀원들의 새벽5시에 일어나 북미시간에 맞춰 얼마나 열심히 노력했고 얼마나 간절한지 많은 팀들이 알아주셨으면 좋겠습니다.수고했어요

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